Studying as a parent
If you are studying at the University of Hamburg and would like to know how to balance your academic pursuits and family obligations, we can help you.
We can help you find the best solution for you and your family from the wealth of information and advising services on offer.
These pages contain information on the following topics:
FAQs Studying and Family Life
Where can I find out more about financing options?
For an overview of financing options (e.g., parental pay, child benefit, Federal Foundation Mother and Child, BAföG supplementary child allowance), please visit the Family Office website. For individual advice on financing your studies, please contact Studierendenwerk Hamburg’s Counselling Centre for Social and International Affairs—BeSI. AStA (student council) also advises on the federal student loan scheme (BAföG).
Counselling Centre for Social and International Affairs—BeSI
Grindelallee 9, Third Floor
20146 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 41902-155
Von-Melle-Park 5
20146 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 450204-0
Can students with children apply to study part-time?
Yes, students with children are able to apply to study part-time. Generally speaking, deadlines specified in the university examination regulations are extended in a part-time degree so that one subject semester is equivalent to two semesters. Applications for part-time study are therefore always submitted for a minimum of two consecutive semesters. You must submit your application for part-time study for two consecutive semesters together with your application for admission or semester re-enrollment. You may submit repeat applications. You can submit your application via STiNE or in an informal letter to the Campus Center upon re-enrollment. You must provide proof of the need to study part-time, for example, your child’s birth certificate. IMPORTANT: Part-time students are not eligible for BAföG! We recommend you seek advice on this from Studierendenwerk Hamburg.
Counselling Centre for Social and International Affairs—BeSI
Grindelallee 9, Third Floor
20146 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 41902-155
I am pregnant (or care for a child). Am I entitled to more absences from class? What are the regulations regarding attendance requirements?
According to the Recommendations for Balancing Studies and Family Life, additional absences should not adversely affect the studies of pregnant students or students caring for a minor or relative. Rather, alternative paths to academic achievement should compensate for additional absences. The recommendations, however, are not yet binding. Please discuss the options in your specific case with your lecturer and academic office.
For more information, please read the Recommendations for Balancing Studies and Family Life (PDF)
Can I take a semester of academic leave after giving birth?
Yes, statutory maternity leave and parental leave for up to six semesters are accepted as reasons for taking academic leave. Students who can prove sufficient grounds, for example, chronic illness of a child, may apply for further semesters of academic leave. Semesters of academic leave do not count toward the subject semesters required to complete your degree in the regular period of study or other deadlines. You must continue to pay the semester contribution during your academic leave. However, please note that academic leave means a change in status, so you will need to notify the responsible authorities (e.g., BAföG Office, Registration Office for Foreigners, child benefit office) immediately, as you may no longer be entitled to certain benefits. Academic leave due to statutory maternity leave or parental leave can be taken up until the child’s third birthday. More Information
Campus Center
Alsterterrasse 1
20354 Hamburg
Service Telephone: +49 40 42838-7000
Counselling Centre for Social and International Affairs—BeSI
Grindelallee 9, Third Floor
20146 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 41902-155
Are students entitled to statutory maternity leave?
The scope of the protection of working mothers act (Gesetz zum Schutze der erwerbstätigen Mutter, MuSchG) was expanded on 1 January 2018, to include female students alongside pregnant working women and nursing mothers, providing that training requires the student to be at a certain place at certain times and for certain activities. The expanded act is now known as the protection of mothers at work and during training or studies act (Gesetz zum Schutz von Müttern bei der Arbeit, in der Ausbildung und im Studium, MuSchG). There are, however, special conditions for students taking statutory maternity leave. In particular, students can waive the period of protection following delivery. Students should notify the University of a pregnancy as soon as possible to ensure they enjoy their full protection rights pursuant to MuSchG and that the University can implement the necessary protection measures. Contact your academic office to notify the University of your pregnancy and if you have further questions or need information. See this overview for a list of academic offices.
Who can submit a hardship application?
Applicants for bachelor’s and master’s degrees may apply for admission within the hardship quota if they care for children under 18 and are therefore bound to Hamburg as the place of study. Your hardship application must document the “particular hardship” due to caring for a child. The following documents are required: completed hardship application, informal written justification of your case of hardship, a copy of current registration certificates for you and your child (no more than two months old), along with a copy of your child’s birth certificate (please note that you cannot submit the application before your child is born). You must submit this hardship application pursuant to Section 25 subsection 5 of the German Federal Education and Training Assistance Act (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz, BAföG) along with your application for a bachelor’s or master’s degree.
Students allocated a university place but unable to commence their studies immediately because they cannot yet balance their studies with family life may apply for “preferential admission”: If you are unable to enroll despite being admitted to the University of Hamburg because you are pregnant or must care for a child, you may enroll in a later semester without having to reapply. Please ask the responsible staff at the Campus Center about the procedure or for details.
Campus Center
University of Hamburg
Services for Students (SfS)
Application and Admissions Team (Team Bewerbung und Zulassung)
Alsterterrasse 1, 20354 Hamburg
Service Telephone: +49 40 42838-7000