Gender diversity
Name and/or gender entry changes for trans, intersex and nonbinary students and staff
Since late 2018, the “third option” has been legally recognized in Germany. This means that in addition to “male” and “female,” the personal status law allows for “diverse” to be entered into the civil status register or for the entry to remain blank. Additionally, the Transsexuellengesetz (transsexual act) has since enabled individuals to officially change their first name. This development allows for the selection of a gender identity beyond the binary model, better reflecting diversity and individual identity. With the introduction of the new Self-Determination Act (Selbstbestimmungsgesetz), many barriers to updating gender entries have been removed compared to the previous transsexual act, making the process significantly easier.
While this may sound straightforward in theory, in practice, it often involves a yearslong process that can cause considerable distress for trans and intersex individuals. This can negatively impact academic performance and, in the worst cases, lead to withdrawal from studies. For this reason, it is important to the University of Hamburg to support TIN* students and staff.