University of Hamburg’s return-to-research program
+++ The deadline for applications for the return-to-research program 2024/25 has passed. +++
Professional and personal paths vary greatly and different phases of life may call for a temporary interruption of academic research activities. Especially at the beginning, academic careers progress along successive qualification levels. An interruption should be no reason to give up any of the desired qualification goals. Our return-to-research program gives female early career researchers, who have interrupted their academic work due to family obligations or illness, renewed access to the academic system.
Target group
The program targets female early career researchers at the University of Hamburg whose academic careers have been interrupted due to parental leave and/or care of relatives and/or other reasons, such as illness, who aim to complete their qualification. The group of female early career researchers includes doctoral researchers aspiring to complete their doctorate as well as academics aiming for a postdoctoral qualification (Habilitation) or the eligibility for appointment through Habilitation-equivalent achievements. The interruption of the qualification project must be justified and may last at least six months and usually a maximum of three years.
Duration and scope of funding
The duration and funding amount are defined in accordance with Section 5 of the Directive on the Awarding of Scholarships at Universität Hamburg (excluding UKE) (PDF). Doctoral researchers can apply for a 12-month scholarship.
Funding is available for:
- Doctoral researchers: €1,365 per month plus a lump sum of €103 per month for materials and equipment plus €400 supplementary child allowance plus €100 for each additional child
- Postdoctoral researchers (doctorate completed no more than 2 years prior): €1,750 per month plus a lump sum of €103 per month for materials and equipment plus €400 supplementary child allowance plus €100 for each additional child
- Postdoctoral researchers (doctorate completed 2–4 years prior): €1,751 to €2,870 per month
Submit your application and all required documents electronically to the Equal Opportunity Unit at gleichstellung"AT" by 11 October 2024 at the latest. Refer to the application form and call for applications for any further required documents:
- Call for applications (PDF only available in German)
- Application form (PDF only available in German)
- Proof of Supervision (PDF only available in German)
The Equal Opportunity Committee of the Academic Senate shall decide on the allocation of return-to-research scholarship funding during its first session in Winter Semester 2024/25.
Questions are welcome to be directed to the Equal Opportunity Unit (gleichstellung"AT"