Information on equality issues
The following information covers various fields of action and topics relating to gender equality. The information listed here includes material prepared by the University of Hamburg as well as a selection from other relevant institutions and facilities. Each entry provides a link, brief description, and an indication of the target audience.
Gender-equality considerations for staff selection
Handreichung of University Hamburg on appointment procedures regarding Gender Equality (German PDF)
- Target group: Search committees, equal opportunity representatives
- Content: Equal opportunity representatives' tasks in appointment procedures
Online tutorial on gender bias in appointment procedures at Heidelberg University (website in German only)
- Target group: Search committees, professorial appointment advisors
- Content: Online tutorial on gender bias in appointment procedures with a focus on individual career paths, performance assessment in research and academic and interdisciplinary skills.
Online information sheet, Gender Bias In Academia and Research from the Center of Excellence Women in Science (CEWS)
- Target group: Search committees, professorial appointment advisors
- Content: Online information sheets on gender bias in academia: overview of research, studies, videos, and webinars on reducing gender bias as well as information and handouts with solutions.
Gender-equitable remuneration
Informationen zum Entgeltransparenzgesetz für Frauen- und Gleichstellungsakteur*innen (German PDF) from the federal conference of women’s and gender equality officers at universities (bukof)
- Target group: Equality actors, supervisors, and HR managers
- Content: Guidance on dealing with the Transparency in Wage Structures Act
Research funding
Equal opportunity in DFG collaborative project funding procedures University of Hamburg publication by Dept. 4: Research and Academic Funding and the Equal Opportunities Office
- Target group: Researchers, applicants, research officers, gender equality stakeholders
- Content: specific information on equal opportunities relevant to preparing DFG joint project proposals at the University of Hamburg
Equal opportunities in research—DFG Research-Oriented Equity and Diversity Standards
- Target group: Researchers, applicants, research officers, gender equality stakeholders
- Content: The DFG is firmly committed to equal opportunity, gender equality, and diversity in research. The DFG’s Research-Oriented Equity and Diversity Standards have defined voluntary staff and structural standards for sustainable gender equality and greater consideration of the diversity of researchers in other dimensions since 2008 (last revised in 2022), i.e., encouraging diversity in the scientific and academic landscape and in the DFG’s funding activities. In 2022, the DFG adopted the priorities selected in the Zusammenfassung und Empfehlungen 2022 (German PDF) for the previous reporting cycle (2020–2022), namely, increasing the proportion of women in the postdoc phase and how universities deal with the topic of diversity.
Diversity in the Research System
- Target group: Researchers, applicants, research officers, gender equality stakeholders
- Content: The DFG considers it a matter of course that no one should be excluded from an academic career due to gender, ethnic origin, age, or state of health, among other things. Various forms of reasonable accommodation are offered to take individual life styles into account in all application formats.
Relevance of gender and diversity in DFG research
- Target group: Researchers, research advisors
- Content: Consideration and inclusion of gender and diversity dimensions in research content, reflection on gender and diversity as a component in the preparation of research projects
Stanford University project Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering, and Environment - Starting Points for Considering Gender in Research Design
- Target group: Researchers, research advisors
- Content: Online information on considering gender when designing research projects
Gender and diversity-sensitive teaching
- Target group: Teaching staff
- Content: Recommendations for inclusive online teaching in the event of impairments or issues with reconciling work-life obligations
Gender and diversity in teaching toolbox from Freie Universität Berlin
- Target group: Teaching staff
- Content: Toolbox for gender and diversity aware university teaching; information and practical tips for planning and designing courses, including a starter kit, guidelines, collection of methods, good practice examples
Handout on gender- and diversity-sensitive teaching and learning culture (German PDF) at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
- Target group: Faculties, degree program coordinators, lecturers
- Content: Recommendations for promoting a gender and diversity aware teaching and learning culture and design of degree programs
Handout on gender in teaching at Hessian universities (German PDF) from the state conference of Hessian university women’s representatives (Landeskonferenz der hessischen Hochschulfrauenbeauftragten, LaKoF Hessen)
- Target group: University management and all those involved in teaching
- Content: Examples, opportunities for action, perspectives for integrating gender studies into teaching content and for teaching gender and diversity skills to teachers and students
Gender Curricula database of the Women’s and Gender Research Network NRW
- Target group: Teaching staff
- Content: Database that lists subject-specific approaches to gender studies for almost all subjects that can be studied in Germany
Rassismuskritischer Leitfaden für Lehrveranstaltungen (German PDF) an antiracism guideline by the Lern- und Erinnerungsort Afrikanisches Viertel (LEO) project from the Berlin-Mitte department of education and culture (Amt für Weiterbildung und Kultur des Bezirksamtes Mitte von Berlin)
- Target group: Degree program coordinators, lecturers
- Content: Antiracism guidelines for creating new didactic teaching and learning materials for school and extracurricular work on the topics of blackness, Africa and the African diaspora
Planning and quality assurance
Erstellung und Fortschreibung von dezentralen Gleichstellungsplänen an der Universität Hamburg (German PDF) by the Equal Opportunity Unit at the University of Hamburg
- Target group: Offices of the Dean, departmental management, equal opportunities representatives
- Content: Template and procedure for the creation and updating of decentralized equality plans
Handreichung zu geschlechtergerechter Akkreditierung und Qualitätssicherung (German PDF) of the Women’s and Gender Studies NRW
- Target group: Stakeholders responsible for the introduction and accreditation of tiered degree programs
- Content: Handout on gender-equitable accreditation and quality assurance
Handout Gender im Qualitätsmanagement von Studiengängen (German PDF) from the state conference of Hessian university women’s representatives (Landeskonferenz der hessischen Hochschulfrauenbeauftragten, LaKoF Hessen)
- Target group: University management and all those involved in teaching
- Content: Examples, opportunities for action and prospects for integrating gender studies into teaching content and for providing teachers and students with teaching gender and diversity skills
Gender-equitable and diversity-aware language
Empfehlungen zu geschlechtergerechter Sprache (German PDF) from the University of Hamburg
- Target group: Employees, teaching staff, students
- Content: Recommendations on the relevance and implementation of gender-equitable language
Handlungsempfehlungen für eine diversitätssensible Mediensprache (German PDF) from Goethe University Frankfurt
- Target group: Press and public relations officers
- Content: Increase the visibility of diversity in media products and avoid discrimination in media portrayals
“Sprache schafft Wirklichkeit” Glossar und Checkliste für rassismuskritischen Sprachgebrauch (German PDF) from the Anti-Discrimination Office (ADB) Cologne
- Target group: Employees, teaching staff, students
- Content: Information on the use of nonracist language
“Auf Augenhöhe” Leitfaden zur Darstellung von Menschen mit Behinderung für Medienschaffende (PDF) from the Federal Government Commissioner for Matters relating to Persons with Disabilities under Article 33 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- Target group: Press and public relations officers
- Content: Information on the portrayal of people with disabilities in media products and raising awareness of the topic
Discrimination and violence
Online-Handreichung zu sexualisierter Diskriminierung und Gewalt an Hochschulen (German homepage) from the federal conference of women’s and gender equality officers at universities (bukof)
- Target group: Women’s and equal opportunity representatives
- Content: Online information sheet on sexualized discrimination and violence at universities
Gender diversity
Recommendations for gender diversity action at universities: Erste Schritte (German PDF) bukof e. V.
- Target group: Employees
- Content: Recommendations for action, including for name and gender entry changes, gender-equitable action
Empfehlungen zur diversitätssensiblen Gestaltung von Online-Veranstaltungen (German PDF) from the University of Hamburg
- Target group: Employees, teaching staff, students
- Content: Inclusive, accessible, and diversity-aware online formats such as video conferences, webinars, etc.
Empfehlungen zur diversitätssensiblen Gestaltung von Veranstaltungen (German PDF) from the University of Hamburg
- Target group: Employees, teaching staff, students
- Content: Inclusive, accessible, and diversity-aware events such as workshops, panel discussions, etc.