Committees and Actors
Equal opportunity representatives at University of Hamburg
At the University, there are, in addition to the institutional equal opportunity commissioner for academic staff pursuant to Section 87 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG), a network of equal opportunity representatives in the individual faculties pursuant to Section 89 subsection 6 HmbHG. Furthermore, there are equal opportunity commissioners for technical, library and administrative staff pursuant to Section 18 of the Hamburg Equal Opportunity Act (HmbGleichG).
Equal opportunity representatives in the faculties
Faculty of Law
Equal opportunity representative
Verena Kahl, Tel.: +49 40 42838-9248
Rothenbaumchaussee 33, Room A124, 20148 Hamburg
gleichstellung.jura"AT"uni-hamburg.deJonathan Wild, Tel.: +49 40 42838-9132
Rothenbaumchaussee 33, Room A336, 20148 Hamburg
gleichstellung.jura"AT"uni-hamburg.deRebecca Endtricht, Tel.: +49 40 42838-6484
Rothenbaumchaussee 33, Room A231, 20148 Hamburg
gleichstellung.jura"AT"uni-hamburg.dePatricia Berkmann, Tel.: +49 40 42838-6915
Rothenbaumchaussee 33, Room A323, 20148 Hamburg
gleichstellung.jura"AT"uni-hamburg.deWebpage: Equal opportunity representative in the Faculty of Law (In German only)
Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Equal opportunity representative
Prof. Dr. Daniela Rastetter, Tel: +49 40 42838-2777
Von-Melle-Park 9, Room B 427, 20146 Hamburg
gleichstellung"AT"wiso.uni-hamburg.deWebpage: Equal opportunity representative in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Equality team
Katja Kellner (Socio Economics), Tel.: +49 40 42838-2174
Von-Melle-Park 9, Room B436a, 20146 Hamburg
Dr. Monika Pater (Social Sciences), Tel.: +49 40 42838-3821
Sedanstr. 19a, Room 419, 20146 Hamburg
monika.pater"AT"uni-hamburg.deYoussef Ibrahim (Social Sciences), Tel.:+49 40 42838-7078
Grindelberg 7, Raum 3005, 20144 Hamburg
youssef.ibrahim"AT"uni-hamburg.deDr. Stephan Schmucker (Socio Economics), Tel: +49 40 42838-2235
Von-Melle-Park 9, Room B-436, 20146 Hamburg
stephan.schmucker@wiso.uni-hamburg.deDr. Christine Zöllner (Socio Economics), Tel: +49 40 42838-3075
Rentzelstraße 7, Room 205a, 20146 Hamburg
christine.zoellner@wiso.uni-hamburg.deDr. Christian Zimpelmann (Economics), Tel.:+49 40 42838-5145
Esplanade 36, Room4018, 20354 Hamburg
christian.zimpelmann"AT"uni-hamburg.deJan Berendsen (Economics), Tel.:+49 40 42838-5104
Esplanade 36, Room 4015, 20354 Hamburg
Faculty of Medicine
Equal Opportunity representatives
Dr. med. Anna-Sophie Hoffmann, Tel.: +49 040 7410-22901
Martinistraße 52, Main Building O10/EG, 20246 Hamburg
as.hoffmann"AT"uke.dePD Dr. med. Julia Nicklas EDAIC, Tel.: +49 040 7410-52415
Martinistraße 52, Main Building O10, 20246 Hamburg
j.nicklas"AT"uke.deWebpage: Equal Opportunity Team of the Faculty of Medicine
PD Dr. med. dent. Ghazal Aarabi M.Sc., Tel.: +49 040 7410-52261
Martinistr. 52, O58/Room 105, 20246 Hamburg
g.aarabi"AT"uke.deProf. Dr. rer. nat. Friederike Cuello, Tel.: +49 040 7410 - 57204
Martinistr. 52, N30 Fritz-Schumacher-Haus/Ground Floor/Room 64d, 20246 Hamburg
f.cuello"AT"uke.deProf. Dr. med. Dr. rer. biol. hum. Mahir Karakas MBA, Tel.: +49 040 7410-57975
Martinistr. 52, Main Building O10/2nd Floor, 20246 Hamburg
m.karakas"AT"uke.deDr. med. Maria Schröder, Tel.: +49 040 7410-20221
Martinistr. 52, Hauptgebäude O10/Room, 20246 Hamburg
m.metschke"AT"uke.deEquality consultant
Janne Ehlers, Tel.: +49 040 7410-58354
Martinistr. 52, Campus Lehre N55, Room 5.17.1, 20246 Hamburg
ja.ehlers"AT"uke.deConsultant for Equality projects
Dipl.-Pol. Gesa Apenberg
Martinistr. 52, W29 Erika-Haus/Ground Floor/Room 33, 20246 Hamburg
Faculty of Education
Equal opportunity representative
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Michalik, Tel: +49 40 42838-2154
Von-Melle-Park 8, Room 410, 20146 Hamburg
kerstin.michalik"AT"uni-hamburg.deWebpage: Equal opportunity representative in the Faculty of Education (In German only)
Dr. Uta Wagner, Tel.: +49 040 42838-5336
Sedanstraße 19, Room 231, 20146 Hamburg
uta.wagner"AT"uni-hamburg.deDr. Mathias Gintzel, Tel.: +49 40 42838-8981
Alsterterrasse 1, Room 045, 20354 Hamburg
Faculty of Humanities
Equal opportunity representative
Prof. Dr. Kristin Merle (Theology), Tel: +49 40 42838-3798
Gorch-Fock-Wall 7, Postbox #6, Room C2070, 20354 Hamburg
kristin.merle"AT"uni-hamburg.deWebpage: Equal opportunity representative in the Faculty of Humanities (In German only)
Research associate of the equal opportunity representative
Dr. Merle-Marie Kruse
Prof. Dr. Jannis Androutsopoulos (SLM I), Tel.: +49 40 42838-7461
Von-Melle-Park 6, Postbox #15, Raum C7003, 20146 Hamburg
jannis.androutsopoulos"AT"uni-hamburg.deProf. Dr. Ulrich Moennig (SLM II), Tel.: +49 40 42838-2672
Von-Melle-Park 6, Postbox #1, Room C9006, 20146 Hamburg
ulrich.moennig"AT"uni-hamburg.deProf. Dr. Nicole Brisch (AAI), Tel.: +49-40-42838-
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, East Wing, Room 202, 20146 Hamburg
nicole.brisch"AT"uni-hamburg.deProf. Dr. Matthew Braham (Philosophy), Tel.: +49 40 42838-8601
Von-Melle-Park 6, Postbox #4, Raum C12006, 20146 Hamburg
matthew.braham"AT"uni-hamburg.deProf. Dr. Petra Lange-Berndt (Cultural Studies)
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 Westflügel, Room: 112 20146 Hamburg
petra.lange-berndt"AT"uni-hamburg.deProf. Dr. Monica Rüthers (History), Tel.: +49 40 42838-4829
Von-Melle-Park 6, Postbox #5, Raum C13009, 20146 Hamburg
monica.ruethers"AT"uni-hamburg.deProf. Dr. Patrick Benjamin Koch (Department of Religions), Tel.: +49 40 42838-4740
Jungiusstraße 11 (2. Floor), 20355 Hamburg
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences
Equal opportunity representative
Prof. Dr. Esther Diekhof (Biocentre Grindel), Tel.: +49 40 42838-3931
Martin-Luther-King Platz 3, Room 413, 20146 Hamburg
esther.diekhof"AT"uni-hamburg.deWebpage: Equal opportunity representative in the MIN Faculty
Deputy equal opportunity representative
Dr. Monika Körs (Department of Chemistry, Chemical Examination Office), Tel.: +49 40 42838-4358
Martin-Luther-King Platz 6 , 20146 Hamburg
monika.koers"AT"uni-hamburg.deEquality consultant
Henriette Ullmann, +49 40 42838-1583
Welckerstraße 8, Room: 6.25, 20354 Hamburg
Department of Biology
Dr. Maren Heese (Institute of Plant Science and Microbiology), Tel.: +49 40 42816-761
Ohnhorststraße 18, 22609 Hamburg
maren.heese"AT"uni-hamburg.deDr. Nicole Funk (Institute of Hydrobiology and Fishing Sciences), Tel.: +49 40 42838-6648
Große Elbstraße 133, Room 115, 22767 Hamburg
nicole.funk"AT"uni-hamburg.deDepartment of Chemistry
Equal opportunity representative Department of Chemistry
Dr. Birgit Hankiewicz (Institute of Physical Chemistry), Tel.: +49 40 42838-8347
Grindelallee 117, Room 342a, 20146 Hamburg
birgit.hankiewicz"AT"chemie.uni-hamburg.deDeputy equal opportunity representatives
Prof. Dr. Ralph Holl (Institute of Organic Chemistry), Tel.: +49 40 42838-2825
Martin-Luther-King-Platz 6, Room 428, 20146 Hamburg
ralph.holl"AT"chemie.uni-hamburg.deDr. Monika Körs (Institute of Food Chemistry), Tel.: +49 40 42838-4358
Grindelallee 117, 20146 Hamburg
monika.koers"AT"uni-hamburg.deDepartment of Earth System Sciences (Earth Sciences)
Equal opportunity representative Department of Earth System Sciences
PD Dr. Claudia Vanelle (Insitut für Geophysik), Tel.: +49 40 42838-5055
Bundesstrr 55, Room: 1431, 20146 Hamburg
claudia.vanelle"AT"uni-hamburg.deDeputy equal opportunity representatives
Dr. Yvonne Milker (Institute of Geology), Tel.: +49 40 42838-5029
Bundesstrr 55, Room: 1114c, 20146 Hamburg
yvonne.milker"AT"uni-hamburg.deDr. Janina Dannenberg (Institute of Geography), Tel.: +49 40 42838-4039
Bundesstr. 55, Room 732, 20146 Hamburg
janina.dannenberg"AT"uni-hamburg.deProf. Dr. Bernd Leitl (Institute of Meterology), Tel.: +49 40 42838-5093
Jihye Jeong (Research Unit Sustainability and Global Change)
Bundesstr. 55, Room 1612, 20146 Hamburg
Grindelberg 5, Room: 210, 20144 Hamburg
jihye.jeong"AT"uni-hamburg.deDr. Lea Scharff (Institute of Geophysics), Tel.: +49 40 42838-2971
Bundesstrr 55, Room: 1321, 20146 Hamburg
lea.scharff"AT"uni-hamburg.deDr. Alexa Griesel (Institute of Oceanography), Tel.: +49 40 42838-7479
Bundesstrr 53, Room: 441, 20146 Hamburg
alexa.griesel"AT"uni-hamburg.deDepartment of Computer Sciences
Dr. Daniel Moldt (ART), Tel.: +49 40 42838-2247
Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30, Room G-213, 22527 Hamburg
moldt"AT"informatik.uni-hamburg.deProf. Dr. Petra Berenbrink (ART), Tel.: +49 40 42883-2174
Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30, Room G-221, 22527 Hamburg
berenbrink"AT"informatik.uni-hamburg.deProf. Dr. Eva Bittner (Wirtschaftsinformatik, WISTS), Tel.: +49 40 42883-2409
Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30, Room C-220, 22527 Hamburg
bittner"AT"informatik.uni-hamburg.deProf. Dr. Simone Frintrop (CV), Tel.: +49 40 42838-2589
Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30, Room R-105, 22527 Hamburg
frintrop"AT"informatik.uni-hamburg.deProf. Dr. Judith Simon (EIT), Tel.: +49 40 42883-2020
Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30, Room G-120, 22527 Hamburg
simon"AT"informatik.uni-hamburg.deDepartment of Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Andrea Blunck (Geometry, Mathematics and Gender Studies), Tel.: +49 40 42838-5160
Bundesstr. 55, Room 211, 20146 Hamburg
andrea.blunck"AT"math.uni-hamburg.deProf. Dr. Jens Rademacher (Applied Mathematics), Tel.: +49 40 42838-5122
Bundesstr. 55, Room 140, 20146 Hamburg
jens.rademacher"AT"uni-hamburg.deProf. Dr. Birgit Richter (Algebra and Number Theory), Tel.: -49 40 42838-5173
Bundesstr. 55, Room 337, 20146 Hamburg
birgit.richter"AT"uni-hamburg.deDr. Leonie Selk (Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Processes)
Bundesstr. 55, Room T16, 20146 Hamburg
leonie.selk"AT"uni-hamburg.deProf. Dr. Paul Wedrich (Algebra and Number Theory), Tel.: -49 40 42838-5181
Bundesstr. 55, Room 318, 20146 Hamburg
paul.wedrich"AT"uni-hamburg.deProf. Dr. Winnifried Wollner (Applied Mathematics), Tel.: +49 40 42838-4079
Bundesstr. 55, Room 115, 20146 Hamburg
winnifried.wollner"AT"uni-hamburg.deDepartment of Physics
PD Dr. Jens Wiebe (Institute for Nanostructure and Solid State Physics), Tel.: +49 40 42838-3282
Jungiusstraße 9a/11, 20355 Hamburg
jens.wiebe"AT"physnet.uni-hamburg.deDr. Pia Jakobus (Observatory)
Gojenbergsweg 112, 21029 Hamburg
pia.jakobus@hs.uni-hamburg.dePD Dr. Wolfram Schmidt (Observatory), Tel.: +49 40 42838-8584
Gojenbergsweg 112, 21029 Hamburg"AT"uni-hamburg.deProf. Dr. Daniela Pfannkuche (Institute of Theoretical Physics), Tel.: +49 40 42838-2391
Jungiusstraße 9, Room 215, 20355 Hamburg
pfannkuche"AT"physnet.uni-hamburg.deProf. Dr. Jan Louis (Institute of Theoretical Physics), Tel.: +49 40 8998-2261
Luruper Chaussee 149, Raum 601, 22761 Hamburg
Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement Science
Equal opportunity representative
Dr. Ariane Marion-Jetten (Human Movement Science)
Mollerstraße 10, Room 101, 20148 Hamburg
gleichstellung.pb"AT"uni-hamburg.deWebpage: Equal opportunity representative in the Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement Science
Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Christine Busch (Psychology), Tel.: +49 40 42838-4198
Von-Melle-Park 5, Room 3021, 20146 Hamburg
christine.busch"AT"uni-hamburg.deDr. Christian Spreckels (Human Movement Science), Tel.: +49 40 42838-2124
Mollerstraße 10/ Post: Turmweg 2, Room 116, 20148 Hamburg
Faculty of Business Administration
Equal opportunity representative
Prof. Dr. Anne Lauscher, Tel.: +49 40 42838-7967
Von-Melle-Park 5, 20146 Hamburg
anne.lauscher"AT"uni-hamburg.deWebpage: Equal opportunity representative of the Faculty of Business Administration
Prof. Dr. Nicola Berg, Tel.: +49 40 42838-2298
Von-Melle-Park 5, Raum 2019, 20146 Hamburg
nicola.berg"AT"uni-hamburg.deProf. Dr. Michel Clement, Tel: +49 40 42838-8721
Welckerstr. 8, Room 623, 20354 Hamburg
michel.clement@uni-hamburg.deFenja Hoogestraat, Tel.: +49 40 42838-4134
Esplanade 36, Room 4024, 20354 Hamburg
fenja.hoogestraat"AT"uni-hamburg.deImke Grashoff
Von-Melle-Park 5, Room 3094, 20146 Hamburg
imke.grashoff"AT"uni-hamburg.deFreja Lindemann, Tel.: -49 40 42838-9514
Von-Melle-Park 5, Room 3121, 20146 Hamburg
Regional Computing Center (RRZ)
Equal opportunity representative
Dr. Wiebke Oeltjen, Tel.: +49 40 42838-2652
Schlüterstr. 70, Room 222, 20146 Hamburg
wiebke.oeltjen"AT"rrz.uni-hamburg.deWebpage: Equal opportunity representative in the RRZ (In German only)
Bettina Kuhlmann, Tel.: +49 40 42838-6306
Schlüterstr. 70, Room 404a, 20146 Hamburg
Equal Opportunity Committee
The University’s Equal Opportunity Committee is a committee of the Academic Senate. It includes the representatives of various status groups: four professors and one member each of academic staff; technical, library and administrative staff; and the student body.
Current committee members (in German only)
The committee submits recommendations for resolutions to the Academic Senate, particularly on (cf. Section 85 subsection 1, especially point 9 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act):
- equal opportunity guidelines
- drafting equal opportunity plans
- conferring the University’s annual Equal Opportunity Prize
- opinions on amendments to the law with respect to equal opportunity
- The committee decides upon the allocation of resources from the Equal Opportunity and Women’s Advancement Funds once annually.
Dates Winter term 2024/25
- Monday, 28.10.2024, 10.00 am - 12.00 pm (10-12 Uhr)
- Wednesday 29.01.2025, 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm (14-16 Uhr)
Further equal opportunity contacts at Universität Hamburg
- Academic Staff Council (WIPR) contact for equal opportunity questions
- Student equal opportunity advisors (German only)
Zentrum Gender & Diversity (ZGD) – interdisciplinary center for researchers, teachers, and students at universities in Hamburg
University network for equal opportunity activities
- Conference of equal opportunity representatives – Everyone involved in equal opportunity work at the University is invited by the equal opportunity commissioner for academic staff twice per semester to exchange thoughts and ideas.
- Equal Opportunity Network – The Equal Opportunity Unit invites all those responsible for implementing equal opportunity measures at University of Hamburg—in particular those in the faculties and collaborative research projects—to meet and exchange ideas every three months at its Equal Opportunity Network.