Equal Opportunity Commissioner and Head of Equal Opportunity Unit
Dr. Angelika Paschke-Kratzin has been serving as the equal opportunity commissioner of University of Hamburg and the head of the Equal Opportunity Unit since 1 July 2015.
The equal opportunity commissioner:
- supports the University with all measures for enhancing equal opportunity and takes an active role in development planning at the University,
- is involved in organizational and human resource decisions (cf. Section 87 Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG) ),
- takes part in selection procedures of academic staff,
- serves as chair of the Equal Opportunity Committee (in German only),
- holds a conference at least twice a semester for equal opportunity commissioners of the faculties at University of Hamburg ,
- helps decide as chair of the Equal Opportunity Committee how to allocate the Women’s Advancement Fund and the University of Hamburg Equal Opportunity Fund,
- assists the president with the conferral of the University of Hamburg Gleichstellungspreis (Universität Hamburg Equal Opportunity Prize),
- decides on how to use the qualification fund for the program of workshops designed to promote equal opportunities for women,
- reports regularly to the Academic Senate (AS) on equal opportunity,
- organizes regular meetings for female professors at University of Hamburg ,
- represents the University at the Landeskonferenz der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten und Gleichstellungsbüros der Hamburger Hochschulen (regional conference for equal opportunity commissioners and equal opportunity offices from Hamburg higher education institutions, LaKoG) (in German only).
- represents University of Hamburg at the Bundeskonferenz der Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Hochschulen (federal conference for female and equal opportunity commissioners from higher education institutions, BuKoF) (in German only) .