About the Equal Opportunity Unit
Welche Informationen sind hier zu finden?
Auf der Seite „Über Uns“ der Stabsstelle Gleichstellung finden sich übergreifende Informationen zu Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, Diversität und Vereinbarkeit.
Neben Kontaktpersonen aus der Stabsstelle werden auch die rechtlichen Grundlagen der hochschulischen Gleichstellungsarbeit sowie die für die Themen relevanten Gremien und Akteur:innen der UHH dargestellt.
Darüber hinaus bietet die Seite einen Überblick über anstehende Veranstaltungen sowie über die Meilensteine der Gleichstellungsarbeit an der UHH.
Die Gleichstellungsberichte und die Gleichstellungsdatenbank übermitteln einen schnellen und gezielten Überblick über Maßnahmen und Programme der Universität Hamburg in den Bereichen Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, Diversität und Vereinbarkeit.
Daneben werden auf der Seite „Chancengerechtigkeit im Fokus“ Projekte vorgestellt, die in verschiedenster Form Vielfalt an der UHH sichtbar machen.
About the Equal Opportunity Unit
University of Hamburg sees itself as a modern, internationally oriented university with equal opportunity goals as an established part of its political mission. The Equal Opportunity Unit at University of Hamburg combines the three pillars of gender, diversity, and family under the umbrella of equal opportunity. We support the University in its efforts to promote equal opportunity for men and women, establish diversity strategies, and develop activities designed to improve the balance between study/work obligations and family life. We offer many different types of events (link in German only). We place special emphasis on individual support for young female researchers. In addition, we also have calls for applications for a number of funds and prizes.
The Equal Opportunity Unit is under the direction of the vice-president, who is responsible for academic searches, personnel development for academic staff, and equal opportunity.
With regard to gender issues, we seek to support and advise all academic members of the University with the goal of achieving equal opportunity between women and men. In areas in which one gender is underrepresented, measures should be taken to reverse this trend. We therefore have a special focus on areas in which women are underrepresented. The University seeks to eliminate any existing gender-specific disadvantages that female members of the University may have. To this end, gender perspectives and aspects of gender equality should be integrated into all areas of the University. Based on the legal principles of equal opportunity, we develop guidelines, strategies, plans, and recommendations for the University. We take a position on every academic search procedure and hiring procedure for academic staff. We advise on gender issues in research (alliance) projects and coordinate the equal opportunity activities of the faculties, research alliances, and other institutions at University of Hamburg.
The goal of diversity is to recognize the uniqueness of students and employees, foster equal opportunity, and reduce discrimination. Diversity is a topic that is relevant for every field and should be a part of all assignments and areas of the University. In order to effect this, we are developing a diversity policy aimed at both students and staff at University of Hamburg . We provide individual departments, research groups, and all interested members with information about what diversity is, how diversity can be included in our day-to-day work and studies, and how people from a wide variety of different backgrounds can best work together. At the Diversity Round Table (link in German only), interested individuals from many parts of University of Hamburg exchange information and ideas and work together to develop diversity measures. All members of the University are welcome to participate: academics, technical and administrative staff, and students.
The Family Office is the central point of contact and information for University of Hamburg students, academics, as well as technical and administrative staff. Our main task is to coordinate issues relating to University of Hamburg as a family-friendly university and provide information that helps improve the balance between study/work obligations and family life. Our online information platform provides an overview of our current advising and support services, information, and activities. With the help of our network, we can refer you to contact persons who can help you find the best possible solution for your situation. At general and themed information sessions, we also offer extensive information on our family-friendly University. On the Family-Friendly University Map and UHH-App (Universität Hamburg app), there is an overview of all of the programs and events we offer related to improving the balance between study/work obligations and family life.