- In April 2024, the Academic Senate of the University of Hamburg will once again elect Dr. Angelika Paschke-Kratzin as the institutional equal opportunity commissioner for academic staff.
- The Seventh report of University of Hamburg's equal opportunity commissioner for the years 2021 to 2023 (German PDF) has been published.
- During the award ceremony for the Equal Opportunity Prize, the Faculty of Law’s Networking Groups “Jura Erstakademiker*innen-Stammtisch” (German Homepage) for first generation university students and “FLINTA§TISCH” (German Homepage) were honored.
- As one of the first among the U15 universities, the University of Hamburg has joined the voluntary commitment to greater gender equality in the appointment of professors made by the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) (Selbstverpflichtung zu mehr Geschlechtergerechtigkeit bei Berufungen der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK)). This reaffirms the universities' ongoing commitment to gender equality in the appointment of professors.
- The Antidiscrimination Center at the University of Hamburg will begin operations on October 1, 2024.
- With the Self-Determination Act “Selbstbestimmungsgesetz” (SBGG), the Transsexual Act from 1980 will finally be replaced on November 1, 2024. The Equal Opportunitiy Unit is revising information on the procedures at UHH regarding name changes. For more information visit our homepage on gender diversity.
- The University of Hamburg has once again received the "Vielfalt gestalten" (German Homepage) diversity certificate after a successful re-audit.
- On 1 April 2023, Dr. Uta Wagner started her role as the new deputy equal opportunity commissioner for the area of science and scholarship at University of Hamburg .
- According to the resolution adopted by the Academic Senate on 16 November 2023, University of Hamburg ’s Equal Opportunity Plan ratified on 26 April 2018 will be updated for the years 2023–2027. See Equal Opportunity Plan 2023–2027 (German PDF)
- In 2023, the family-friendly higher education audit certification was extended for another 3 years. The audit calls for quality assurance by means of a dialogue procedure every 3 years. The next dialogue procedure is due in 2025.
- University of Hamburg joins Initiative Klischeefrei (cliché-free initiative) which advocates for degree programs and career choices free from gender clichés.
- At the awarding of the Equal Opportunity Prize, the dynaMENT mentoring program of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences was honored.
- The University published the first call for applications for the Agathe Lasch Visiting Scientist Program for Women in Academia.
- The Equal Opportunity Prize was awarded in person in 2022 for the first time since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.
- As part of a one-year pilot project, 20 tampon and pad dispensers were installed in women’s and accessible restrooms at 15 locations on and around the University’s campus.
- The Critical Whiteness dialogue series was continued in 2022 and supplemented through the Critical Whiteness im Gespräch: Wissenschaft trifft Kunst & Kultur event series.
- In December 2022, the Office for Students with Disabilities was the fourth German higher education institution to be registered with the German Patent and Trade Mark Office as an authorized point of contact.
- The University’s care fund (Betreuungsfonds), established in 2022, provides carer support at home or in the University’s parent-child rooms.
- Under “Pioneering projects”, the Equal Opportunity Unit regularly profiles projects for a year that carry out groundbreaking work in the areas of gender equality, balancing work and family life, and diversity.
- In April, the Ministry of Science, Research, Equalities and Districts-funded collaborative project Close the Gap began. This focuses on dealing with pandemic-related challenges for Hamburg scholars with family obligations.
- On 10 June 2021, the Academic Senate confirmed Dr. Angelika Paschke-Kratzin as the central equal opportunity commissioner and Prof. Dr. Sabine Kienitz as the deputy equal opportunity commissioner.
- The commissioner’s sixth equal opportunity report 2018–2020 (German PDF) was published.
- Organized by the Family Office, outdoor activities for children (aged 7–13) of employees and students took place for the first time during the first 2 weeks of the school summer vacation.
- A project to assess the gender pay gap among W2 and W3 professors at University of Hamburg was initiated.
- The Equal Opportunity Unit developed a concept for all-gender restrooms with the aim of ensuring nondiscriminatory use of restrooms that are accessible for disabled individuals at University of Hamburg.
- In November, University of Hamburg’s LGBTIQA* network Science and beλond (German link) was successfully launched.
- In February 2020, the first cross-university caregiving day (German link) was offered.
- Guide for doctoral and early career researchers that provides an overview of important topics and advisory institutions in the form of a map published at the beginning of the year.
- The University was awarded the family-friendly higher education audit certification (German link).
- March saw the start of the unit’s Gleichheitszeichen podcast (German link), which presented research, teaching, and equality projects that were supported by the University’s Women’s Advancement Fund or the Equal Opportunity Fund.
- To support professors who had to care for children or family members during the coronavirus pandemic and teach and research at the same time, the University has set up the coronavirus relief fund and extended it during the year.
- In September, Dr. Michaela Koch was appointed head of the Center for Gender and Diversity.
- At the end of the year, the recommendations for gender-neutral language at Universität Hamburg were officially adopted and approved.
- University-wide diversity project with a total of 38 measures passed and adopted by the Executive University Board in January.
- In February, University of Hamburg was awarded the Vielfalt gestalten certificate by the Stifterverband (German link) for the successful completion of the audit process.
- Annual conference of the national conference of women’s and equal opportunities officers at universities of applied sciences (Bundeskonferenz der Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Hochschulen) organized in September with more than 300 participants on the topic of changing digitalization.
- Under the motto “Women who set sail”, monthly presentation of 12 key women in Universität Hamburg history to celebrate the University’s 100th anniversary.
- Commission comprising academics, administration staff, and student representatives established to develop rules for gender-neutral language.
- Dialogue process implemented to obtain certification as family-friendly university— expected to conclude in January 2020 with a new action program for the next 3 years.
- Digital family-friendly campus tour developed, providing information to students with families in the form of videos and text.
- Handout titled Gleichstellung von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern - Hinweise für die Erarbeitung von DFG-Verbundprojekt-Anträgen (German PDF) (“Equal opportunity for female and males scholars—tips for developing DFG collaborative project applications”) created in cooperation with the University’s research department.
- Kickoff event held in November for Diversity Round Table to implement the measures of the diversity concept.
- University of Hamburg’s first equal opportunity plan (German PDF) adopted by the Academic Senate.
- Successful application for the program to promote female professors (Professorinnenprogramm III) with an equal opportunity future concept.
- Agathe Lasch Coaching Program + Diversity expanded to include the topics of family obligations and transferring from abroad.
- Equal Opportunity Database launched with gender-equality, compatibility, and diversity measures.
- Publication of equal opportunity commissioner’s fifth equal opportunity report 2014–2017 (PDF).
- Regulations from the new act on the protection of mothers at work and during training or studies act (Gesetz zum Schutz von Müttern bei der Arbeit, in der Ausbildung und im Studium, MuSchG) for female students implemented.
- University of Hamburg joins the Best Practice Club “Family in the University” and signs the Family in the University Charter.
- The family-friendly higher education audit is re-audited and consolidated.
- The Agathe Lasch Coaching Program is expanded to include diversity issues and becomes the Agathe Lasch Coaching Program + Diversity.
- Fourteen of University of Hamburg ’s equal opportunity measures (German link) are included in the German Research Foundation’s (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) Toolbox.
- Equal opportunity commissioner Dr. Angelika Paschke-Kratzin becomes spokesperson for LaKoG (German link).
- The percentage of women in professorships at the University of Hamburg (excluding the medical faculty) is 34 percent.
- Gleichstellungsrichtlinie (guidelines for equal opportunity, PDF, in German only) adopted by the Academic Senate on 16 June 2016. These replace the Frauenförderrichtlinie (guidelines for the promotion of equal opportunities for women) from 1997.
- Diversity advisor position created; additional staff in the Family Office appointed.
- Participation in the Diversity Audit Program.
- Consolidation phase of the family-friendly higher education audit (in German only).
- The Frauenförderpreis (prize for the promotion of equal opportunities for women) is renamed the Gleichstellungspreis (Equal Opportunity Prize). Competition now welcomes applications relating to diversity and combining study or work with family life as well as gender issues.
- Amendment of the Federal Act on Gender Equality (Bundesgleichstellungsgesetz, BGleiG, German only).
- Vierter Bericht der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten (fourth report of the equal opportunity commissioners (in German only)) for the years 2011–13 published.
- Staff level increases with appointment of an additional gender equality advisor to the Equal Opportunity Unit.
- Amendment of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG) (in German only) and Hamburgisches Gleichstellungsgesetz (Hamburg act on gender equality, HmbGleiG) (in German only).
- First "International Day of Families" on the Campus of the University of Hamburg
- Introduction of short-term telework and home office as measures of the "Family-Friendly University" audit.
- Submission of final report on research-oriented standards for gender equality as established by the German Research Foundation (DFG); classification in the highest implementation stage.
- Successful application in the Professorship Program II through the continuation of the university's equality concept (German PDF).
- Issuance of the Equality Political Framework Program by the Hamburg Senate as a foundation for the equality policy work in the city's authorities.
- Launch of the cross-faculty Agathe Lasch Coaching to promote equal opportunities for female researchers, named after the first female professor in Hamburg.
- Establishment of the Family Office at University of Hamburg.
- Inaugural disbursement of the Equal Opportunity Fund. Funds totaling around €40,000 made available to support a number of individual projects.
- Establishment of Diversity Round Table to further the exchange of information and ideas and networking between various institutions at Universität Hamburg.
- Adopted the Allgemeines Gleichstellungsprogramm (general equal opportunity program (PDF, in German only)) for academic appointments. Within this program, special programs can be established to recruit applicants of a specific gender.
- Establishment of a complaints office in accordance with the General Equal Treatment Act for employees of the University of Hamburg.
- A further milestone reached: 30% of all professorships are held by women (excluding the Faculty of Medicine). Including the Faculty of Medicine: 27%.
- Submission of interim report to the German Research Foundation (DFG). University of Hamburg ranked in the highest assessment category.
- Dritter Bericht der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten für die Jahre 2009 bis 2010 (third report of the equal opportunity commissioners for the years 2009–2010 (PDF, in German only)) published.
- Participation of the University of Hamburg in the project "Discrimination-Free University: Creating Knowledge with Diversity" (German PDF) by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency.
- University of Hamburg certified as family-friendly higher education audit institution.
- Renaming of the "Committee for Women's Promotion" of the Academic Senate to "Equal Opportunity Committee".
- Stellungnahme der Universität Hamburg zu den forschungsorientierten Gleichstellungsstandards (statement from University of Hamburg on research-oriented standards for gender equality (PDF, in German only) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) published.
- Zweiter Bericht der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten für die Jahre 2005 bis 2008 (second report of the equal opportunity commissioners for the years 2005–2008 (PDF, in German only)) published.
- New academic search regulations come into effect requiring at least 40% of the voting commission members to be female.
- Inauguration of the "Interreligious Room of Silence" (link in German) at the University of Hamburg.
- Developed a university-wide Gleichstellungskonzept (equal opportunity policy (PDF, in German only)). University of Hamburg ’s policy ranked third out of 7 outstanding policies submitted by universities participating in the Professorinnenprogramm (program to promote female professors) offered by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. University of Hamburg succeeds in filling 3 professorships with women for up to 5 years under this program.
- Forty-four female and male professors appointed at University of Hamburg; 39% of these new appointees are female.
- A new benchmark reached: Women hold 22% of professorships, thus meeting the goal set in 1999 that at least 20% of professors be female.
- With 41%, the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Human Movement Science holds the highest percentage of female professors at Universität Hamburg.
- University of Hamburg signed the Charta der Vielfalt (diversity charter), which explains how you can create a work environment free of prejudice.
- Establishment of the Office of Advising for Sexual Discrimination and Violence for Students (SDG).
- Prof. Dr. Monika Bullinger takes over as the Equal Opportunities Commissioner of the University of Hamburg in October 2007.
- The "Office for Women's Promotion" is renamed to the "Equality Opportunity Unit". It is subordinate to the Equal Opportunities Commissioner of the University of Hamburg and is assigned to the Vice President for Structural and Personnel Development.
For the first time, the University of Hamburg hosts events as part of Girls' Day.
At 15%, the number of women holding professorships has doubled in the past ten years.
- Women’s Advancement Fund founded. Funds amounting to €20,000 are made available to promote projects in the areas of studying, teaching, research, and administration that aim to dismantle gender discrimination.
- Based on the proportion of professorships held by females, University of Hamburg is placed in the upper range of the middle group in rankings conducted by the Centre of Excellence Women and Science (CEWS).
First full-time Equal Opportunities Commissioner: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Löschper
- Enactment of the law on the reformation of higher education law, which mandates universities to implement gender equality for women and men, as well as to "increase the proportion of women and reduce existing disadvantages."
- Establishment of a "Women's Career Center" at the University of Hamburg.
- Best results yet: 43.5% of newly appointed professors (C2, C3, and C4) are women.
Establishment of a "Cross-University Advisory Board for Gender Studies" by the university presidencies of Hamburg to develop a cross-university "Study Program in Gender Studies." Subsequently, seven so-called "Gender Professorships" are established at Hamburg universities.
- Frauenförderpreis (Women's Advancement Fund) valued at €10,000 established. Prize is awarded annually for particularly outstanding projects or measures for the promotion of equal opportunities for women.
- Frauenförderrichtlinie adopted by Academic Senate as bylaws. Alongside the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG), the HmbGleiG, and the General Act on Equal Treatment, these guidelines serve as the most important legal basis for equal opportunity work at University of Hamburg.
- Resolution of the 'Guideline Against Sexual Discrimination and Violence' („Richtlinie gegen sexuelle Diskriminierung und Gewalt“) at the University of Hamburg by the Academic Senate
- Establishment of a Women's Studies Professorship at the University of Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Ursula Platzer will serve as the honorary women's representative of the University of Hamburg.
A network is being formed among the technical and administrative staff at the University of Hamburg, serving as a bridge between women's representatives and female employees.
The 'Guideline for the Promotion of Women in Higher Education' („Richtlinie zur Förderung von Frauen an den Hochschulen“) receives a legal basis in the amended Hamburg Higher Education Act (Hamburger Hochschulgesetz).
- For the first time, the state conference of women's representatives (Landeskonferenz der Frauenbeauftragten (LaKoG)) at Hamburg's universities convenes with the aim of promoting gender equality for women in research, teaching, and study.
- Establishment of the 'Expert Consultation Network' project at the University of Hamburg as a mentoring initiative for female students in their professional practice. This commitment is continued through the Mentoring&programm of the Transfer Agency at the University of Hamburg.
Establishment of the 'Network of Women in Hamburg's Higher Education' to promote equality programs.
- The Office for Women's Advancement (Arbeitsstelle Frauenförderung) and the Committee for Women's Advancement (Ausschuss für Frauenförderung) are established, and the position of the women's representative is officially instituted.
- Prof. Dr. Barbara Vogel becomes the first honorary women's representative of the Academic Senate at the University of Hamburg.
- The first 'Guideline for the Advancement of Female Scientists' (Frauenförderrichtlinie) at the University comes into effect.
- Establishment of the joint commission 'Women's Studies and Women's Research' at the University of Hamburg, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, and the Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Politik, from which the Commission for Women's Studies, Gender Studies, and Queer Studies (GK) of the Gender Knowledge Center emerges. (Kommission für Frauenstudien, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Gender und Queer Studies (GK))
Prof. Dr. Heide Pfarr becomes the first female vice president of the University of Hamburg and plays a significant role in the adoption of the guideline to increase the proportion of women at universities.
The first guideline for the promotion and support of women in public service (öffentlicher Dienst) in Hamburg comes into effect.
The first nationwide central office for 'Gender Equality' is established in the Hamburg Senate Chancellery. One area of focus for the central office is the equality of women and women's research at Hamburg's universities.