Statutory maternity leave—Mutterschutz
The scope of the protection of working mothers act (Gesetz zum Schutze der erwerbstätigen Mutter, MuSchG) was expanded on 1 January 2018, to include female students alongside pregnant working women and nursing mothers, providing that training requires the student to be at a certain place at certain times and for certain activities. The expanded act is now known as the protection of mothers at work and during training or studies act (Gesetz zum Schutz von Müttern bei der Arbeit, in der Ausbildung und im Studium, MuSchG). There are, however, special conditions for students taking statutory maternity leave. In particular, students can waive the period of protection following delivery. Students should notify the University of a pregnancy as soon as possible to ensure they enjoy their full protection rights pursuant to MuSchG and that the University can implement the necessary protection measures. Contact your academic office to notify the University of your pregnancy and if you have further questions or need information. See this overview for a list of academic offices.
The Document Mutterschutzregelung (Infomationen für Studentinnen)(PDF, in German only) provides an overview of protective legislation for pregnant and nursing women and its implementation at Universität Hamburg.
Students who are working part-time in addition to studying are also subject to the Protection of Working Mothers Act (Mutterschutzgesetz). Statutory maternity leave must be granted irrespective of the type and scope of work, the employment contract, citizenship, or familial status. Part-timers and student assistants also have a right to statutory maternity leave. If your employer refuses to grant you the statutory maternity leave period, we recommend that you contact the personnel or staff council in your company, or seek legal advice from the AStA (in German only).
Advising and information
Studierendenwerk Hamburg
BeSI (Beratungszentrum Soziales & Internationales) advises and supports pregnant students and prospective students as well as prospective students who are raising children on issues such as family finances, social security, childcare, and the possibility of student status changes (part-time or leave).
The Family Office provides professional and caring childcare in five daycare centers. Our additional, flexible childcare options enable parents to carry out their studies during the early morning, the evening, or on the weekend.