Science and Beλond—The LGBTIQA* Network* indicates a required field.Science and Beλond—The LGBTIQA* NetworkTitleFirst Name*Last Name*Form of Address Tell us your preferred gender pronouns (e.g., she/her, he/his, they/their).Email*StatusPlease select Professor Junior professor Postdoctoral researcher Doctoral researcher Research associate Scholarship holder Technical, library and administrative staff (TVP)I am interested in workshops, lectures, events, and activities LGBTIQA* networking news and informationCommSy 21 + 18 = *Declaration of consent for the use of personal information* I consent to the saving and use of my data for contact purposes. We will use your personal information to provide you with news and information on events and activities within Science and Beλond—The LGBTIQA* Network.Copy of formI consent to my data being used to send the following information by email for the purpose of responding to my inquiry:Copy of my requestRegistration confirmation for Science and Beλond—The LGBTIQA* Networkyes noData protection*I consent to the University of Hamburg, in this case: Equal Opportunity Unit, using my data until my consent is withdrawn for the following purpose(s): Science and Beλond—The LGBTIQA* Network. I understand that I may withdraw my consent from Equal Opportunity Unit at any time with future effect. Revocation of my consent does not affect any previous processing of data and information.More information on data processing.Send application