March 2025
The authoritarian direction of radicalised conservatism
This event takes place in German.
The team of Startup Port invites you to a breakfast with female founders. Are you interested in founding a company? Are you about to start a business or have you already founded one? Then come by to exchange ideas with other women about the topic of "founding" and to support each other. What awaits you? Depending on your wishes, there will be a keynote speech or you, as an expert, can exchange...
Day of Good Scientific Practice
This event takes place in German.
Female Leadership Day
This event takes place in German.
May 2025
Workshop in Präsenz: AI in Action: Pflegeberatung der Zukunft mit ChatGPT?
This event takes place in German.
„Das macht auch was mit uns!“ - Ein Vortrag für Angehörige von Menschen mit einer Suchterkrankung
This event takes place in German.
June 2025
Argumentationstraining bei Antifeminismus
Target Group: All employees of UHH/ Language: German / Trainer: Míša Jašová & Melani Klaric / Max. participants: 16
The workshop is in German.
In this workshop, you can strengthen your argumentative skills in the face of antifeminism and discriminatory statements. The focus will be on developing strategies for handling challenging situations and making your own stance visible.