Workplace Climate Survey
Arbeits- und StudienbedingungenDiversitätVereinbarkeit und FamilienangeboteGleichstellungsmonitoring und -controllingOrganisationsentwicklung
GeisteswissenschaftenMathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften
StudierendeProfessurenPost-DocsPromovierendeWissenschaftliches PersonalInternationaleJuniorprofessurenTVP
The survey explores experiences of the Cluster "Understanding Written Artefacts" as a work environment and a community and serves as a basis for both monitoring such experiences and designing targeted equal opportunity and diversity measures for the Cluster. Alongside demographic data, the survey also collects data about perceptions of the Cluster as a work environment and experiences of discrimination and harassment. The survey is conducted every two years; its results are shared with the entire Cluster community.
For more information please contact the Equal Opportunity Coordinator at the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures Mariapaola Gritti (mariapaola.gritti"AT"