Gleichheitszeichen 5: “Warum braucht es die Genderperspektive in der Rechtswissenschaft?“An interview with Dr. Dana-Sophia Valentiner about her research project on gender stereotypes in legal training cases
29 January 2021, by Digital communication
Dr. Dana-Sophia Valentiner, research assistant at Helmut Schmidt University as well as being chairperson of the Hamburg branch of the German Women Lawyers Association (djb) is a guest in the fifth episode of the Gleichheitszeichen podcast by the Equal Opportunity Unit.
In the podcast, we talk about the value, need, and potential of a gender perspective in jurisprudence, about law as an instrument of power, and the role of legal actors in the reproduction or abolition of stereotypical social and gender images. Dr. Valentiner will also report on the results of her research project into (gender) role stereotypes in legal training.