Gleichheitszeichen 2: “Physik ist auch etwas für Mädchen - Die Physik-Projekt-Tage”An interview with Anna Benecke and Dr. Roman Kogler about why physics is a subject for girls
5 August 2020, by Online Services
Anna Benecke and Dr. Roman Kogler from the Institute of Experimental Physics at the University of Hamburg are guests in the second episode of the Gleichheitszeichen podcast by the Equal Opportunity Unit. They are both co-initiators and co-organizers of the Physik-Projekt-Tage. The project is aimed at girls and young women to get them interested in physics.
The Physik-Projekt-Tage is a 4-day workshop for secondary school girls in which they can work on experimental projects of their choice, free from prejudice and competition, and are thus encouraged to deepen their interest in science.
In this podcast episode, we discuss why physics is still predominantly studied by men*, the prejudices associated with studying physics, why physics is for girls and what contribution the Physik-Projekt-Tage can make to breaking down stereotypes in physics studies.
Further information on the Physik-Projekt-Tage (German homepage)