Gleichheitszeichen 1: “Vielfältige Teams und was wir daraus lernen”An interview with Dr. Stephan Schmucker
12 March 2020, by Online Services
In the first episode of the Gleichheitszeichen podcast, our guest is Dr. Stephan Schmucker from the Department of Socioeconomics at the University of Hamburg. His research interests include staffing and team issues. Together we discuss whether and in what way the diversity of teams influences their performance.
Teams are usually diverse: The members differ in terms of characteristics such as age, gender, or ethnicity, but also in terms of expertise. Dr. Stephan Schmucker explores the question of whether homogeneous teams are more successful or whether diverse teams achieve higher performance, and whether differences between members are more likely to lead to conflict. In this podcast episode, Dr. Stephan Schmucker answers these questions specifically on the basis of his project Student Performance and Team Selection, which is funded by the Equal Opportunity Fund and deals with the composition and performance of 2-person student teams.
Instructional video on subjective diversity and team success: Rastetter, D, Schmucker, S, 2019, “SUSIE - Subjective Diversity and Team Success”. Micro learning video for HR, (25 July 2019)