"Close The Gap" Kickoff-Event on April 23, 2021
1 April 2021, by Stabsstelle Gleichstellung

Photo: Mossholder/Unsplash
How are science and family to be combined in times of a pandemic? How can you make the next career move when laboratories are closed and you cannot network with colleagues at conferences? How can home schooling, deadlines for papers and student supervision be reconciled? During these times, it becomes clear that at least one aspect of the professional or the private is left behind in favor of the other. This situation has been illustrated since mid-2020 by the so-called “Gender Publication Gap”, which shows that women scientists are doing less research and publishing than before due to the pandemic.
The Close the Gap project, funded by the Ministry of Science, Research, Equalities and Districts (BWFGB), aims to address these pandemic related effects through measures such as emergency childcare, coaching and discretionary funds. In addition, a cross-university network “Close the Gap” will be initiated to serve as an exchange platform between experienced and early career researchers which will run until December 2022 to promote involvement. A range of events are offered as part of the network.
The equal opportunity unit would like to invite you to the network's kick-off event entitled “Shutdowns, gaps and research from home - equal opportunities in scientific careers in times of a pandemic” with Katharina Fegebank, Second Mayor and Science Senator of Hamburg as keynote-speaker, on Friday, April 23, 2021, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. via Zoom. The event will be held in German.