Equal Opportunity
Equal Opportunity Unit
Photo: UHH/Denstorf
12 March 2017, by Stabsstelle Gleichstellung
Once again, the University will be hosting a range of activities and events for Girls' and Boys' Day on 27 April 2017. Whoever would like to introduce his or her area of work or study to inquisitive young minds can visit
https://www.girls-day.de/aktool/ez/veranstalter.aspx (for girls) or
https://www.boys-day.de/aktool/ez/veranstalter.aspx (for boys).
Either register here directly or contact us by email.
The Equal Opportuity Unit will be coordinating activities and is also available to help you plan and advertise your offer. Please contact Meike Lohkamp, gleichstellung@uni-hamburg.de, ext. -7298.