Aktuelle Meldungen (2017)1 October 2017|VerwaltungHamburg universities provide information about studying as a parent on 10 November 2017Photo: Studierendenwerk HamburgThe Family Office of Universität Hamburg and Studierendenwerk Hamburg invite the public on 10 November 2017, 10 am–1 pm to find out more about...30 September 2017|FamilienbüroWorkshop on balancing work/study and family life on 20 and 21 November 2017, 10 am–3 pmPhoto: UHH/DinglerStudying or starting a career if you are a parent can be challenging. How do parents manage it? And how can I come up with a plan that best suits me...29 September 2017|FamilienbüroFree children's dishes in Studierendenwerk cafeteriasPhoto: UHH/DinglerStudierendenwerk Hamburg offers free children's meals to the children of students. Children under 12 just need to show a YoungsterCard in the Canela...29 September 2017|Family OfficeWelcome Parenting Students! PIASTA-Seminar on 24 November 2017Photo: UHH/DinglerManaging parenting and studying at the same time is without a doubt difficult. International students, in particular, often face hardships in this...19 September 2017|FamilienbüroUniversität Hamburg signs the Family at the University CharterPhoto: Matthias HeislerOn the fourth anniversary of the university initiative "Family in the University" in September 2017 in Vienna, Universität Hamburg signed the Family...18 September 2017|FamilienbüroSign up now for new children's sports program!Photo: pixabay.comSports activities for the whole family are especially fun, but which kinds of sports are best for young and old alike? University Sports has a broad...4 September 2017|FamilienbüroGuided tour for students with childrenPhoto: UHH/DinglerWe would like to welcome parents who have decided to study. The University has institutions, facilities, and services to make studying as a parent...30 August 2017|FamilienbüroMeet the Family Office at Health Week!Photo: pixabay.comHealth Management at Universität Hamburg is hosting a special week of events and activities under the motto "WORK TOGETHER, BE HEALTHY TOGETHER" from...30 August 2017|FamilienbüroFunding for natural scientists with childrenPhoto: UHH/DinglerThe Christiane Nüsslein Volhard Foundation funds talented young female natural scientists with children (doctoral candidates and post-doctoral...25 August 2017|FamilienbüroTwo new lending stations for the portable toy chestPhoto: UHH/TranUniversity staff and students can now borrow a portable toy chest at the Klein Flottbek Biocenter and the Hamburg Center for Teacher Education (ZLH)...27 July 2017|FamilienbüroReturn-to-research fellowshipPhoto: @UHH/CENCliSAP offers postdoctoral fellowships aimed at helping scientist to return to research after a career break due to family commitments, like childcare...12 July 2017|Familienbüro“Take parental leave“Photo: Michael Grefe, SFB 676To be well organized is essential when talking about connecting a scientific career and family life. Nonetheless, it appears to be hardly possible to...15 June 2017|Familienbüro22 June 2017 Scientific Career and ParenthoodPhoto: © UHH/pixabay.de, PublicDomainPictures/A. KochMeet four researchers who share with you their strategies on how they manage their career and family life and get an overview of the legal...31 May 2017|GleichstellungRückblick auf einen erfolgreichen Diversity-TagPhoto: UHH/Lena WeickenmeierAm Dienstag, den 30.05.2017, hat die Universität Hamburg erneut mit vielfältigen Veranstaltungen am Deutschen Diversity-Tag teilgenommen. Das bunte...17 April 2017|GleichstellungPro Exzellenzia meets CUIWir laden Sie herzlich zu der nächsten Veranstaltung am 24.05.2017 in dieser Reihe ein! Pro Exzellenzia meets CUI: „Kreuzung oder Einbahnstraße -...13 March 2017|GleichstellungWorkshops for students and graduates of UHH: registration period commencedThe career development fund at Universität Hamburg has, together with the Career Center, in 2017 once again prepared a comprehensive program targeting...12 March 2017|GleichstellungGirl's and Boys' Day 2017Once again, the University will be hosting a range of activities and events for Girls' and Boys' Day on 27 April 2017. Whoever would like to introduce...15 February 2017|GleichstellungCall for applications: Equal Opportunity Fund 2017The call for applications for the 2017 Equal Opportunity Fund is now open. The Fund provides funding for projects on general equal opportunty issues...6 February 2017|GleichstellungAktive Mittagspause anlässlich des Internationalen Frauentages 2017Wenn Sie mehr über uns und Gleichstellungsthemen an der UHH erfahren möchten, dann kommen Sie gerne zu unserer „Aktiven Mittagspause“.In der...