Reframing Excellence – for more diversity in academia
Universities are striving to become more diverse to reflect our social reality. However, currently the chances of succeeding in our academic system depend heavily on various social variables and resources of the individual. Against this background, this event will examine the concept of "academic excellence" and its impact on diversity. Recent initiatives have pointed out that our current definition of excellence is extremely one-dimensional and only offers a very limited understanding of what skills really make up a good researcher. How can our selection criteria in hiring procedures go beyond a mere focus on impact factors and publication numbers (that are often biased in itself)?
The academic world of tomorrow needs leaders & teachers, inspired innovators, social entrepreneurs, and effective communicators. Yet the skills needed to take up these roles are still largely undervalued in academia. How are other countries faring? What can we learn from them? How can we redefine excellence in the future?
After short inputs, we will brainstorm together and discuss these questions.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Zen Faulkes, Director of DORA
Target audience: students, teachers, researchers, TVP employees
Date and time: Monday, June 10, 14 – 15:30 pm
Location: online via zoom
Organiser: Clusters of Excellence CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter, CLICCS, Quantum Universe, Understanding Written Artefacts
Registration: possible until 07.06.2024 via