Race Essentialism in Postsecondary STEM: A Critical Race Theory Analysis
Race essentialism is the ideological belief that race is biologically innate, thereby implying the people of the same race present the same behaviors, decisions, and outcomes. Contemporarily, race essentialism is used through covert means to further perpetuate oppression via disciplinary and intuitional cultures, policies, and practices. In this presentation, Terrell Morton leverags Critical Race Theory to reveal the presence and implications of race essentialism in postsecondary STEM and offers considerations for collective and individual changes that can occur when adopting a CRT-informed perspective towards STEM education.
Speaker: Dr. Terrell Morton, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA
Target audience: students, teachers, researchers
Date and time: Monday, June 10, 2024, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. (ct)
Location: The event will take place hybrid:
- Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften und Mikrobiologie, Ohnhorststr. 18, 22609 Hamburg, CvL/E.507 Hörsaal Carl von Linné (HS 3) or
- via Zoom (https://uni-hamburg.zoom.us/j/65203208800?pwd=OFJFbVNlbjB5b1lXY2lodVN4UUpDQT09, Meeting-ID: 652 0320 8800, Kenncode: 29059571)
Organiser: Research Training Group 2530, Prof. Dr. Kai Jensen
Number of persons: 120 on site
Registration: possible via susanne.stirn"AT"uni-hamburg.de