Academia and Parenthood: a Workshop on Compatibility
9. März 2018, von Familienbüro
Foto: UHH/pixabay
Englischsprachiger Vereinbarkeits-Workshop zum Internationalen Tag der Familie am 15. Mai: „Wissenschaft und Familie erfolgreich vereinbaren“, im Rahmen des Programms: Kompass – Qualifizierung und Orientierung für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs in Kooperation mit dem Familienbüro
Conference in the morning, children's birthday party in the afternoon and a deadline for a paper at midnight: being a scientist/scholar and a parent can be quite challenging. In order to be satisfied in both spheres, parents have to develop individual strategies. The workshop is designed to offer information, room for reflection and exchange amongst participants. It provides an analysis of individual wishes and needs for the combination of being a parent and a scientist/scholar. Based on this, participants will be able to optimize their personal compatibility strategies.
Carolin Steinat from the University's Family Office will shortly present it's services and offers. The workshop is for researchers who are or would like to be parents.
The focal points of the workshop are:
- Compatibility: How is the situation in German academia, how is the situation internationally? Are there differences?
- Career: What does that mean to me? Individual values versus implicit norms?
- Communication: When and how to communicate family aspects in the professional setting?
- Techniques: Hints and tricks for time and self-management
- Strategy: Which options do I find suitable for me in order to combine parenthood and academia?
Child care is offered for the time of the workshop on demand. Please contact us in advance – we are happy to support you (Deadline: 13 April).
This workshop is hosted by Dept. 6: _human Resources, HR Development and the Familienbüro of Universität Hamburg and is held in english.
More information and application form here
Raum N0065 + N0067
Mittelweg 177
20148 Hamburg
Dozent/in: PD Dr. Tanja Meyer-Treschan
Zielgruppe: Promovierende und Postdocs