Return-to-research fellowship
27 July 2017, by Familienbüro
Photo: @UHH/CEN
CliSAP offers postdoctoral fellowships aimed at helping scientist to return to research after a career break due to family commitments, like childcare or care for relatives. With this measure CliSAP wants to support Equal Opportunity and to afford scientist the return to climate science.
The fellowship is awarded for one year and complies in worth with the fellowships for postdocs of the German Research Society (DFG).
The fellowship is to be used for developing perspectives for the own future in climate science and for preparing a proposal to acquire funding of a research position. A patronage by a professor of an institution associated with CliSAP für eine Stipendium-Patenschaft einzuholen. Die Patenschaft soll den Wiedereinstieg unterstützen und die Anbindung der Stipendiatin bzw. des Stipendiaten an die Forschungsbereiche des Exzellenzclusters fördern.
The fellowship is awarded yearly and has its origins in the Gender Action Plan.
developed by the cluster of excellence to improve equal opportunity.
The call for application will be published on the CliSAP-Website. For further inormation or in case of further questions please contact CliSAP's Equal Opportuniity Officer.
Call for application 2017 (deadline: 11 October 2017)