The project “MIN-Studium international: Förderung für den Hamburger Arbeitsmarkt” - “MIN För Hamburg” for short - is aimed at international students intending to graduate from the MIN faculty and in teaching training.
With funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the DAAD supports German universities with the “FIT” program (Promotion of International Talent for Integration into Studies and the Labour Market) as part of the Campus Initiative for International Talents to prepare international prospective students specifically for the requirements of studying in Germany and to facilitate their integration into their studies and subsequent transition into the German job market.
To this end, “FIT” promotes the development of measures to prepare, support and ensure the success of international students at German universities.
The total of 89 projects at German universities started funding on April 1, 2024 and will run until December 31, 2028. The “MIN för Hamburg” project is divided into four modules:
MIN För Hamburg is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) as part of the Campus Initiative internationale Fachkräfte. MIN För Hamburg is part of the FIT: Förderung internationaler Talente zur Integration in Studium und Arbeitsmarkt project which runs from 2024–2028.