Knowledge exchange @UHH: Strategic principle

Photo: Transferagentur der Universität Hamburg
Excellence Meets Relevance: The profile of the third performance dimension at UHH is the “Triple-E Model of Knowledge Exchange”: The variety of knowledge exchange activities at UHH operate within a triangle of expertise, commitment and entrepreneurship.
About the knowledge exchange strategyKnowledge exchange @UHH: mission

Photo: UHH/Möller
Knowledge exchange at the comprehensive University of Hamburg should be a living part of its academic culture in research, teaching and innovation activities. It thrives on the diversity of subject cultures, establishes transdisciplinary networks and is practiced and institutionally promoted in all faculties to varying degrees.
About the knowledge exchange missionKnowledge Exchange Agency@UHH

Photo: UHH/TransferAgentur
The Knowledge Exchange Agency is Universität Hamburg's central institution for knowledge exchange. In its three centers, you will find all the information and services you need to shape sustainable futures with partners from civil society, business, education, politics and culture.
To the Knowledge Exchange Agency