The University of Hamburg team
What makes the University of Hamburg excellent? Its people! Their dedication, creativity, and visionary ideas create a future-oriented University and shape the society of tomorrow.
Facts and figures
Founded in 1919, excellence status since 2019, and 170 degree programs in 8 faculties: In the case of the University of Hamburg, the numbers speak for themselves, showing a diverse University that draws on rich a tradition to constantly grow and change.

Photo: UHH/Esfandiari
We want to make a better future for our society. Since the University of Hamburg was founded, the excellent performance of our institutions and the outstanding individual efforts of our staff have been consistently awarded high academic honors.
Based in Hamburg, open to the world
The University of Hamburg was founded by a democratic vote in 1919 and has been a fixture in the city ever since. We know that we all have to share the future. That’s why we collaborate with partner institutions in the region, in Germany, and around the world.

Photo: UHH/Feuerböther