Review of first Open Day 2024
Our first Open Day on 31 January 2024 was a great success and we were delighted to welcome so many participants from a wide range of institutions and departments.
After a warm welcome from the University's Vice-President for Research and the MIN Faculty's Vice-Dean for Research, the event informed all participating researchers and students about the technologies and support available at the UHH Technology Platforms Mass Spectrometry, Electron Microscopy, Light Microscopy, Electron Cryo-Microscopy and the CHyN Clean Room. The theme running through all presentations was: How can you use the platforms and how can your research benefit from the technologies and services offered by the platforms? In addition, users presented research highlights and told how their research is supported by the platforms.
In the afternoon, the Mass Spectrometry, Electron Microscopy, Light Microscopy and Electron Cryo-Microscopy platforms offered guided tours to introduce the available technologies from a hands-on perspective.
The slides of the following presentations are available for download:
Overview, capabilities and potential impact on your research:
- Mass Spectrometry, Maria Riedner (PDF)
- Electron Microscopy, Charlotte Ruhmlieb (PDF)
- Electron Cryo-Microscopy, Carolin Seuring (PDF)
- Light Microscopy, Roland Thünauer (PDF)
- Clean Room at ChyN, Michael Rübhausen (PDF)
Your contribution to funding needs and sustainability of technology platforms:
We would like to thank Irene Fernandez Cuesta, Raphael Moll and Jan Hellert for their exciting presentations on user achievements and success stories.