Technology Platform Electron Cryo-Microscopy
The Multi-User Cryo-EM Technology Platform operated by the University of Hamburg is located in the “Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB)” at the Science Campus Bahrenfeld, Hamburg, Germany. We support a variety of structural biology projects that aim to understand host-pathogen interactions at the molecular and cellular level.
Our focus
Our facility focuses on the Cryo-EM modalities “single particle analysis” (SPA) and “Cryo-Electron tomography” (Cryo-ET). The user-friendly application of correlative light and electron microscopy (Cryo-CLEM) is developed through our close collaboration with the Core Facility “Advanced Light and Fluorescence Microscopy” (ALFM) at CSSB.
If you are interested in using the Electron Cryo-Microscopy Technology Platform, contact us at cryoem"AT" We will be happy to help you!
Cryo-EM Services
We enable scientists who wish to use cryo-EM in their own research portfolio to become independent investigators in our facility. To this end, we have developed practical and theoretical courses for data acquisition and data analysis at different levels. We also support technology projects that create synergies between the electron cryo-microscopy platform and the Science Campus Bahrenfeld and are supported by third-party funds.
Which samples can be analyzed?
The cryo-electron microscopy platform focuses on the analysis of samples in the field of infection biology, especially host-pathogen interactions. This includes the vitrification of purified biological single particles and complexes, as well as pathogens and infected cells.
Contact to the team and access to the equipment
Our Cryo-EM team is pleased to offer researchers the opportunities to make a valuable contribution to their research projects through the use of cryo-electron microscopy. The team of the Cryo-Electron Microscopy Technology Platform is happy to support you in planning and performing experiments and in data analysis.
For further questions, contact cryoem"AT"
Multi-User-Cryo-EM Facility
Technology Platform
Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB)
c/o DESY, Building 15
Notkestr. 85
22607 Hamburg
Who can use the Cryo-EM equipment?
Our facility is primarily open to scientific working groups from the following academic research institutions, who share the operational costs of the cryo-EM technology platform:
- Universität Hamburg
- Bernhard-Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine
- Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory
- Research Center Borstel – Leibniz Lung Center
- Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research GmbH
- Leibniz Institute for Virology
- University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Additionally, the cryo-EM technology platform welcomes requests from external scientific research institutions utilizing the methods or equipment in the facility. The facility is not available to industrial users for commercial series measurements or training. Additionally, joint data acquisition of pre-screened vitrified samples involving facility staff can be arranged on a case-by-case basis.
For further information, visit Technology Platform Electron Cryo-Microscopy CSSB or contact:
Dr. Carolin Seuring
Tel: +49 040 8998 87707
How to request training on the instruments?
Access to the premises of the technology platform must be authorized through appropriate safety training. Visitors to the main laboratory area must at all times be under the supervision of a cryo-EM staff member or an authorized user.
To request a booking for training, please email cryoem"AT" with the information below:
- Name, group, affiliation
- Type of project, intended duration of the planned project, previous data
- Type of intended use: independent use, collaboration with a CSSB group, training module
- Level of experience in cryo-EM
- Type of samples and information on biological safety level
Training Modules
Sample Preparation training
1. Negative stain and sample preparation training
- Description: Training on general negative stain electron microscopy sample preparation. Including theory, handling of grids, glow discharging (GlowQube, Harrick Plasma Cleaner)
- Prerequisites: New User Orientation
- Duration: typically 2-hours session with EM facility staff, dependent on requirements and aptitude
- Occupancy: Maximum 2 people
- Supplies provided by facility: Negative stain reagents depending on requirement, filter paper
- Supplies to be provided by users: Prepared sample, grid box, continuous carbon 300 mesh grids, tweezers
2. Carbon Coater
- Description: Training on using the Leica ACE600 carbon coater, practical application, recipe creation
- Prerequisites: New User Orientation, Negative stain and sample preparation training
- Duration: typically 1-hour session with EM facility staff
- Occupancy: Maximum 2 people
- Supplies provided by facility: Carbon rods, Mica
- Supplies to be provided by users: Formvar coated or other grids
3. Vitrobot plunge freezer training
- Description: Training on using the Vitrobot plunge freezer, cryo-sample preparation theory, setup, practical application, use of Harrick plasma cleaner (or GloQube)
- Prerequisites: New User Orientation
- Duration: up to 2 separate, 2-hour sessions with EM facility staff member
- Occupancy: Maximum 1 person
- Supplies provided by facility: plunging tweezers
- Supplies to be provided by users: Whatman Paper Grade 1 Ø 55mm, cryo-optimised sample, cryo-grid box with lid, cryo-grids according to user requirements
4. Manual Plunge freezer
- Description: Training on using the manual plunge freezer.
- Prerequisites: New User Orientation
- Duration: up to 2 separate, 2-hour sessions with EM facility staff, 1 hour if prior training on cryo-plungers was completed
Occupancy: Maximum 1 person - Supplies provided by facility: Filter paper (Whatman #1), plunging tweezers (for training only)
- Supplies to be provided by users: cryo-optimised sample, cryo-grid box with lid, cryo-grids according to user requirements, plunging tweezers (after training)
5. Leica GP2 Plunge freezer
- Description: Training on using the Leica GP2 Plunge freezer.
- Prerequisites: New User Orientation
- Duration: up to 2 separate, 2-hour sessions with EM facility staff, 1 hour if prior training on cryo plungers was completed
- Occupancy: Maximum 1 person
- Supplies provided by facility: plunging tweezers
- Supplies to be provided by users: Whatman Paper Grade 1 Ø 55mm, cryo-optimised sample, cryo-grid box with lid, cryo-grids according to user requirements
6. Chameleon Plunge Freezer Training (Rory Hernell James/Marlovits lab)
- Description: Training to use the SPT Labtech Chameleon for preparing grids
- Prerequisites: New User Orientation. It is helpful if you have already imaged the sample on Vitrobot-prepared grids
- Duration: 2 x 2 hour freezing sessions with Rory Hennell James. Training with just 1 session may be possible after observing another training session
- Occupancy: 1 person. Up to 2 people may observe
- Supplies provided by Marlovits group: Instrument consumables except grids. 4 grids for the first session for groups who have not used the Chameleon before
- Supplies needed: FEI autogrid box, nanowire grids, cryo-optimsed sample
7. Autogrid Clipping
- Description: Training on preparing cryoEM Autogrids
- prerequisites: New User Orientation, negative stain and sample preparation training
- Duration: typically around 2-hour session, 1 hour demonstration by EM facility staff and 1 hour practice
- Occupancy: Maximum 1 person
- Supplies provided by facility: Clipping tools, short term storage for cryo-grids (max 2 weeks)
- Supplies to be provided by users: Autogrid cryo-box, plunged cryoEM grids, autogrid rings and C-clips
Microscope training
1. Talos L120
- Description: Training and hands-on practical safe use of the scope for screening negative stain grids. Theory, microscope hardware, loading samples, aligning the scope, imaging strategies, focusing, aberrations, troubleshooting. Standard known sample provided or own sample.
- Prerequisites: New User Orientation, negative Stain and sample preparation training
- Duration: up to 2 separate, 2-hour sessions with EM facility staff, more if necessary
- Observation session with independent user: 4 hours
- Final approval and sign off after 10-20 hours of supervised instrument time logged and demonstration of proficiency
- Occupancy: 1-2 people
2. Talos Arctica
- Description: Training and hands-on practical use of Arctica for screening cryo-grids with Falcon IVi. Training covers theory, microscope hardware, aligning the scope, imaging strategies, focusing, aberrations, troubleshooting.
- Prerequisites: cryo grid sample preparation training, autogrid clipping proficiency
- Duration: up to 2 separate 4-hour sessions with EM facility staff, more if necessary. Attending observation sessions with independent users: min 2 x 4 hours.
- Final approval and sign off after ~100 hours of supervised instrument time logged by facility staff and demonstration of proficiency
- Occupancy: 1-2 people
- Supplies needed: vitrified autogrids
3. Titan Krios
- Description: Training and hands-on practical use of Krios for setting up high-resolution energy filtered data collection (npEFTEM) with K3 (EPU and Tomo). Theory, microscope hardware, aligning the scope, imaging strategies, focusing, aberrations, troubleshooting.
- Prerequisites: cryo grid sample preparation training and autogrid clipping proficiency
- Duration: up to 2 separate 6-8 hour sessions with EM facility staff, more if necessary.
- Attending observation sessions with independent users: min 2 x 4 hours
- Final approval and sign off after ~100 hours of supervised instrument time logged by facility staff and demonstration of proficiency
- Occupancy: 1-2 people
- Supplies needed: screened and vitrified autogrids with proven quality
4. Tomography
- Description: TTheory and hands-on training of tomography data acquisition in batch with TFS Tomography software and/or serialEM at the Krios microscopes. Includes specific alignment steps and dose calibration of the K3 direct detector for tilt series acquisition. Before introduction to serialEM, principles of tomography software should be understood with the more basic TFS Tomo.
- Prerequisites: cryo grid sample preparation training and autogrid clipping proficiency
- Duration: p to 2 separate 6-8-hour sessions with EM facility staff, more if necessary
- Observation session with independent user: 2 x 4 hours, probably more will be needed
- Final approval and sign off after ~100 hours of supervised instrument time logged by facility staff and demonstration of proficiency
- Occupancy: 1-2 people
- Supplies needed: Vitrified autogrids
5. Aquilos FIB SEM
- Description: Theory and hands-on training of preparing FIB-thinned lamellae from cellular samples including preparation steps for cryo work on the scope, usingmicroscope software XTUI and additional softwares MAPS and AutoLamella for autonomous lamella preparation Pre-requisites: sample preparation training of cellular/othersuitable samples using any of the cryo grid preparation instruments mentioned above and autogrid clipping proficiency.
- Prerequisites: sample preparation training of cellular samples, plunge freezing and Autogrid clipping proficiency.
- Duration: up to 2 separate 8-hour sessions with EM facility staff, more if necessary
- Observation session with independent user: 2 x 4 hours
- Final approval and sign off after ~100 hours of supervised instrument time logged by facility staff and demonstration of proficiency
- Occupancy: 1-2 people
- Supplies needed: Vitrified FIB-milling autogrids
How can I book equipment?
Users can book instruments via the PPMS booking system once they have completed the training. Access to the booking system will be granted after training and signing the terms of use. Further information can be found on the CSSB hosted Website.
Courses and workshops
10 to 21 February 2025
Basic Principles and Practical Aspects of Cryo-EM SPA and Tomography (Module 62-485.1)
Projects and lectures
Third-party funded ongoing projects
The Cryo-EM Technology Platform is open for collaborative projects with researchers with a special focus on method development for cryo-electron microscopy.
- CUI:AIM project “Jetfreezing – Novel Sample Delivery Approaches for CryoEM”
Cooperation partners: Bajt, Chapman, Grünewald, Küpper - CSSB Flagship Project “Plasmofraction”
Cooperation partners: Filarski, Kosinski, Löw, Witt, Seuring - CUI:AIM Project “Cd/Te lambda Detector”
Cooperation partners: X-Spectrum, Grünewald, Pearson, Chapman
Relevant lectures at the University of Hamburg
- 62-169.12, Bioimaging methods seminar series, weekly (1.5 ECTS)
- 62-417.1, Structural Biochemistry, Summer Semester (3.0 ECTS)
- 62-417.3, Practical course in structural biochemistry with accompanying seminar, Summer Semester (4.5 ECTS)
- 62-485.1, Basic Principles and practical aspects of CryoEM, 04.09.–15.09.2023 (3.0 ECTS)
- 62-485.2, Hands-on practice on specimen preparation, and data acquisition, 04.09.–15.09.2023 (3.0 ECTS)
Ferreira JL, Prazak V, Vasishtan D, Siggel M, Hentzschel F, Binder AM, Pietsch E, Kosinski J, Frischknecht F, Gilberger TW, Grunewald K (2023) Variable microtubule architecture in the malaria parasite. Nat Commun 14: 1216 doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-36627-5
Seyfert CE, Porten C, Yuan B, Deckarm S, Panter F, Bader CD, Coetzee J, Deschner F, Tehrani KHME, Higgins PG, Seifert H, Marlovits TC, Herrmann J, Muller R (2023) Darobactins Exhibiting Superior Antibiotic Activity by Cryo-EM Structure Guided Biosynthetic Engineering. Angew Chem Int Edit 6210.1002/anie.202214094
Williams HM, Thorkelsson SR, Vogel D, Milewski M, Busch C, Cusack S, Grunewald K, Quemin ERJ, Rosenthal M (2023) Structural insights into viral genome replication by the severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus L protein. Nucleic Acids Research 51: 1424-1442 doi: 10.1093/nar/gkac1249
Bucker R, Seuring C, Cazey C, Veith K, Garcia-Alai M, Grunewald K, Landau M (2022) The Cryo-EM structures of two amphibian antimicrobial cross-beta amyloid fibrils. Nature Communications 13ARTN 4356 10.1038/s41467-022-32039-z
Franken LE, Rosch R, Laugks U, Grunewald K (2022) Protocol for live-cell fluorescence-guided cryoFIB-milling and electron cryo-tomography of virus-infected cells. STAR Protoc 3: 101696 doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2022.101696
Killer M, Finocchio G, Mertens HDT, Svergun DI, Pardon E, Steyaert J, Loew C (2022) Cryo-EM Structure of an Atypical Proton-Coupled Peptide Transporter: Di- and Tripeptide Permease C. Front Mol Biosci 9ARTN 917725 10.3389/fmolb.2022.917725
Niebling S, Veith K, Vollmer B, Lizarrondo J, Burastero O, Schiller J, Garcia AS, Lewe P, Seuring C, Witt S, Garcia-Alai M (2022) Biophysical Screening Pipeline for Cryo-EM Grid Preparation of Membrane Proteins. Front Mol Biosci 9ARTN 882288 10.3389/fmolb.2022.882288
Pazicky S, Alder A, Mertens H, Svergun DI, Gilberger T, Low C (2022) N-terminal phosphorylation regulates the activity of Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 from Plasmodium falciparum. Biochem J 10.1042/BCJ20210829
Villalta A, Schmitt A, Estrozi LF, Quemin ER, Alempic JM, Lartigue A, Prazak V, Belmudes L, Vasishtanm D, Colmant AM, Honore FA, Coute Y, Grunewald K, Abergel C (2022) The giant mimivirus 1.2 Mb genome is elegantly organized into a 30-nm diameter helical protein shield. Elife 11ARTN e77607 10.7554/eLife.77607
Wald J, Fahrenkamp D, Goessweiner-Mohr N, Lugmayr W, Ciccarelli L, Vesper O, Marlovits TC (2022) Mechanism of AAA plus ATPase-mediated RuvAB-Holliday junction branch migration. Nature 609: 630-+ doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-05121-1
Albers S, Beckert B, Matthies MC, Mandava CS, Schuster R, Seuring C, Riedner M, Sanyal S, Torda AE, Wilson DN, Ignatova Z (2021) Repurposing tRNAs for nonsense suppression. Nature Communications 1210.1038/s41467-021-24076-x
Ayyer K, Xavier PL, Bielecki J, Shen Z, Daurer BJ, Samanta AK, Awel S, Bean R, Barty A, Bergemann M, Ekeberg T, Estillore AD, Fangohr H, Giewekemeyer K, Hunter MS, Karnevskiy M, Kirian RA, Kirkwood H, Kim Y, Koliyadu J, Lange H, Letrun R, Lubke J, Michelat T, Morgan AJ, Roth N, Sato T, Sikorski M, Schulz F, Spence JCH, Vagovic P, Wollweber T, Worbs L, Yefanov O, Zhuang YL, Maia FRNC, Horke DA, Kupper J, Loh ND, Mancuso AP, Chapman HN (2021) 3D diffractive imaging of nanoparticle ensembles using an x-ray laser. Optica 8: 15-23 doi: 10.1364/Optica.410851
Bunduc CM, Fahrenkamp D, Wald J, Ummels R, Bitter W, Houben ENG, Marlovits TC (2021) Structure and dynamics of a mycobacterial type VII secretion system. Nature 593: 445-448 doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03517-z
Killer M, Wald J, Pieprzyk J, Marlovits TC, Low C (2021) Structural snapshots of human PepT1 and PepT2 reveal mechanistic insights into substrate and drug transport across epithelial membranes. Sci Adv 7: eabk3259 doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abk3259
Kotov V, Lunelli M, Wald J, Kolbe M, Marlovits TC (2021) Helical reconstruction of Salmonella and Shigella needle filaments attached to type 3 basal bodies. Biochem Biophys Rep 27: 101039 doi: 10.1016/j.bbrep.2021.101039
Kotov V, Mlynek G, Vesper O, Pletzer M, Wald J, Teixeira-Duarte CM, Celia H, Garcia-Alai M, Nussberger S, Buchanan SK, Morais-Cabral JH, Loew C, Djinovic-Carugo K, Marlovits TC (2021) In-depth interrogation of protein thermal unfolding data with MoltenProt. Protein Sci 30: 201-217 doi: 10.1002/pro.3986
Kouba T, Vogel D, Thorkelsson SR, Quemin ERJ, Williams HM, Milewski M, Busch C, Gunther S, Grunewald K, Rosenthal M, Cusack S (2021) Conformational changes in Lassa virus L protein associated with promoter binding and RNA synthesis activity. Nat Commun 12: 7018 doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-27305-5
Miletic S, Fahrenkamp D, Goessweiner-Mohr N, Wald J, Pantel M, Vesper O, Kotov V, Marlovits TC (2021) Substrate-engaged type III secretion system structures reveal gating mechanism for unfolded protein translocation. Nat Commun 12: 1546 doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-21143-1
Pfitzner S, Bosse JB, Hofmann-Sieber H, Flomm F, Reimer R, Dobner T, Gruenewald K, Franken LE (2021) Human Adenovirus Type 5 Infection Leads to Nuclear Envelope Destabilization and Membrane Permeability Independently of Adenovirus Death Protein. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22ARTN 13034 10.3390/ijms222313034
Prazak V, Grunewald K, Kaufmann R (2021) Correlative super-resolution fluorescence and electron cryo-microscopy based on cryo-SOFI. Methods Cell Biol 162: 253-271 doi: 10.1016/bs.mcb.2020.10.021
Silvester E, Vollmer B, Prazak V, Vasishtan D, Machala EA, Whittle C, Black S, Bath J, Turberfield AJ, Grunewald K, Baker LA (2021) DNA origami signposts for identifying proteins on cell membranes by electron cryotomography. Cell 184: 1110-1121 e1116 doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.01.033
Yuan B, Portaliou AG, Parakra R, Smit JH, Wald J, Li YC, Srinivasu B, Loos MS, Dhupar HS, Fahrenkamp D, Kalodimos CG, van Hoa FD, Cordes T, Karamanou S, Marlovits TC, Economou A (2021) Structural Dynamics of the Functional Nonameric Type III Translocase Export Gate. Journal of Molecular Biology 433ARTN 167188 10.1016/j.jmb.2021.167188
Franken LE, Grunewald K, Boekema EJ, Stuart MCA (2020) A Technical Introduction to Transmission Electron Microscopy for Soft-Matter: Imaging, Possibilities, Choices, and Technical Developments. Small: e1906198 doi: 10.1002/smll.201906198
Lunelli M, Kamprad A, Burger J, Mielke T, Spahn CMT, Kolbe M (2020) Cryo-EM structure of the Shigella type III needle complex. PLoS Pathog 16: e1008263 doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008263
Quemin ERJ, Machala EA, Vollmer B, Prazak V, Vasishtan D, Rosch R, Grange M, Franken LE, Baker LA, Grunewald K (2020) Cellular Electron Cryo-Tomography to Study Virus-Host Interactions. Annu Rev Virol 7: 239-262 doi: 10.1146/annurev-virology-021920-115935
Vogel D, Thorkelsson SR, Quemin ERJ, Meier K, Kouba T, Gogrefe N, Busch C, Reindl S, Gunther S, Cusack S, Grunewald K, Rosenthal M (2020) Structural and functional characterization of the severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus L protein. Nucleic Acids Res 48: 5749-5765 doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa253
Vollmer B, Prazak V, Vasishtan D, Jefferys EE, Hernandez-Duran A, Vallbracht M, Klupp BG, Mettenleiter TC, Backovic M, Rey FA, Topf M, Grunewald K (2020) The prefusion structure of herpes simplex virus glycoprotein B. Sci Adv 610.1126/sciadv.abc1726
Wolff G, Limpens R, Zevenhoven-Dobbe JC, Laugks U, Zheng S, de Jong AWM, Koning RI, Agard DA, Grunewald K, Koster AJ, Snijder EJ, Barcena M (2020) A molecular pore spans the double membrane of the coronavirus replication organelle. Science 369: 1395-1398 doi: 10.1126/science.abd3629
Moser F, Prazak V, Mordhorst V, Andrade DM, Baker LA, Hagen C, Grunewald K, Kaufmann R (2019) Cryo-SOFI enabling low-dose super-resolution correlative light and electron cryo-microscopy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116: 4804-4809 doi: 10.1073/pnas.1810690116
Nikolaus Goessweiner-Mohr VK, Matthias J. Brunner, Julia Mayr, Jiri Wald, Lucas Kuhlen, Sean Miletic, Oliver Vesper, Wolfgang Lugmayr Samuel Wagner, Frank DiMaio, Susan Lea, Thomas C., Marlovits (2019) Structural control for the coordinated assembly into functional pathogenic type-3 secretion systems. BioArxiv
Available equipment
The cryo-EM technology platform provides access to the following microscopes, all of which can be operated via remote access.
Talos L120c
Thermo Fisher Scientific, 120 kV accelerating voltage and LaB6 thermionic source
This is an entry level screening microscope with a CETA camera, mainly for negative stain samples, but also capable of cryo-EM using side-entry holders from Gatan. This microscope is used for training purposes and evaluation of the first steps of primarily single particle sample preparation. It is further equipped with a LAMBDA next-generation pixel detector capable to acquire electron diffraction data. Software options include SerialEM and Velox.
Talos Arctica
Thermo Fisher Scientific, 200 kV accelerating voltage and field emission gun (X-FEG)
It is equipped with an autoloader, Falcon IVi direct detector and phase plate. This microscope is used primarily for cryo-EM sample optimization and single particle analysis. Software options include Thermo Fisher based Software solutions and SerialEM.
Titan Krios G3
Thermo Fisher Scientific, 300 kV accelerating voltage and field emission gun (X-FEG) source
Top-end microscope with fringe-free imaging, autoloader, Bioquantum energy filter, K3 direct detector, phase plate and dual axis tilt stage. This microscope is used for cryo-EM single particle and tomography data acquisition. Software options include Thermo Fisher based Software solutions, and SerialEM.
Titan Krios G3i
Thermo Fisher Scientific, 300 kV accelerating voltage and field emission gun (X-FEG) source
Top-end microscope with fringe-free imaging, autoloader, Bioquantum energy filter, K3 direct detector, phase plate. This microscope is used for cryo-EM single particle and tomography data acquisition. Software options include Thermo Fisher based Software solutions, and SerialEM.
Aquilos 2 Cryo-FIB/SEM
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cryo-DualBeam system with focused ion beam and scanning electron microscope (FIB-SEM) dedicated to the preparation of thin lamellae from primarily vitreous cells for subsequent electron cryo-tomography. Recent upgrades include iFLM and cryo-lift out. The Aquilos is able to perform automated milling and software options include xT and Thermo Fisher Software packages.
Arctis Cryo-Plasma FIB/SEM
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Arctis Cryo-Plasma FIB from Thermo Fisher Scientific, highly automated Plasma FIB system with three different gas sources (xenon, oxygen, argon), in-line fluorescence microscope (iFLM) for easy milling targeting and 12 grid autoloading system, allowing seamless transition to cryo-TEM. The Arctis is used for preparation of high-quality thin lamellae from vitreous cells as well as high pressure frozen waffle samples. The available software specifically developed for fully automated milling is based on the web-based interface WebUI for remote access. The more conventional correlation and milling software Maps and AutoTEM are available.
Equipment for specimen preparation and mammalian cell culture
Users have access to a broad range of auxiliary equipment and dedicated laboratory space for the last steps of specimen preparation and mammalian cell culture, right before their vitrification.