October 2024
Lecture Series »Energy – Landscape – Aesthetics« Winter term 2024/25
The production and utilization of energy shapes the landscape. This has not only been true since the so-called ‚energy transition‘ and the focus on renewable energies, which ranges from the cultivation of energy plants such as rapeseed or maize to the construction of large-scale wind and solar parks and has decisively helped the concept of the energy landscape to gain popularity. Even before this...
Ringvorlesung "Identität und Integration im Frühmittelalterlichen Europa"
This event takes place in German.
November 2024
Exhibition "Portraits of Climate"
In "Portraits of Climate" we unite art and science in a unique collaborative endeavor. Over several months, artists and researchers exchange ideas and explore collaboration beyond their usual field of action, ultimately jointly creating an artwork. The artworks will be presented to the public from the 7th November, 2024, 5 pm, at the University Museum in Hamburg. Everyone is welcome! The six-month...
January 2025
Sunday guided tour: Hybrid creatures, monsters and their myths
This event takes place in German.
In the winter semester 2024/2025, the plaster cast collection will once again offer a varied guided tour program. From depictions of myths and experimental approaches to polychromy in ancient sculptures to ancient gender-specific body images, students will provide insights into the collection holdings and current issues. The guided tours are free of charge and...
Network of AI and Law Research Seminar
Professor Christoph Kumpan and Professor Georg Ringe would like to invite you to the NAIL Research Seminar #19 on Monday, 20 January 2025, starting at 18h00 (CET), with Prof. Horst Eidenmüller (University of Oxford), who will give a presentation titled "Game Over: Facing the AI Negotiator".
The lecture will be followed by a discussion on the topic. The event will be held in English and will take...
Religionsunterricht und Religionslehrkräfteausbildung aus jüdischer Perspektive
This event takes place in German.
The Future of Prediction. Algorithmic Forecast in Science and Society
Prof. Dr. Elena Esposito, Universität Bielefeld, DE
Palimpsestic Traces: Landscape, Culture, and Energy in Scotland
This event takes place in German.
Joint Career Days 2025
Career options for Scientists: Academia, industry, business or science management?
If you’re thinking about the time after your PhD or during/after your postdoc phase, here’s a great event for you: “Career Days 2025: Academia, industry, business or science management?”.
On January 21-22, 2025 you will have the chance to get an overview on various career paths and career opportunities for...
Joint Career Days 2025
The Joint Career Days 2025 are coming up on January 21st and 22nd, 2025, and we invite all doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in the natural sciences at the University of Hamburg, DESY, IMPRS-ESM and IMPRS-UFAST to participate in this exciting event.
This two-day event, held at Betahaus Hamburg (Schanzenviertel), offers a unique opportunity to network, explore career paths, and gain valuable...
Der Prozess Jesu im Kontext des jüdischen Rechts
This event takes place in German.
Das Bernoulli-Prinzip: Was hat der Duschvorhang mit der Bananenflanke zu tun?
This event takes place in German.
Ethnizität und Recht im Frühmittelalter
This event takes place in German.
Greenwashing & Whistleblowing
This event takes place in German.
Mehrsprachigkeit im Fachunterricht – Ergebnisse einer Wirksamkeitsstudie
This event takes place in German.
"... es war nicht frei, aber reiner": Vom sowjetischen zum post-sowjetischen Fernsehen
This event takes place in German.
Elektrokatalyse und der Weg zum grünen Wasserstoff
This event takes place in German.
Online-Infoveranstaltung "Yogastudien"
This event takes place in German.
Between Kition, Idalion and Tamassos: Settlement patterns of three Iron Age kingdoms of Cyprus
This event takes place in German.
This event takes place in German.
Filmseminar gegen Austerität: "Die Widerständigen – also machen wir das weiter…" (D 2014, mit Prof. Franklin Kopitzsch)
This event takes place in German.
The team of Startup Port invites you to a breakfast with female founders. Are you interested in founding a company? Are you about to start a business or have you already founded one? Then come by to exchange ideas with other women about the topic of "founding" and to support each other. What awaits you? Depending on your wishes, there will be a keynote speech or you, as an expert, can exchange...
Klare Sache: Das Wort ergreifen – schlagfertig reagieren (für Frauen)
This event takes place in German.
18th Data Science Colloquium | “Artificial Intelligence in Computer-Assisted Drug Design”
We are happy to announce the next talk of our Data Science Colloquium which is an event jointly organized by Data Science in Hamburg - the Helmholtz Graduate School for the Structure of Matter (DASHH) and our partners.
We are looking forward to the talk of Dr. Christoph Grebner (Computational Chemist, Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany) on Thursday, January 23rd, 2025, at 10 am...
forTEXT – Literatur digital erforschen
This event takes place in German.
Public Launch Event: Signatures of Friendship
Signatures of Friendship
Exploring the Jerusalem Guest Book of Miryam and Moshe Ya’akov Ben-Gavriêl (1927–1966)
Digitising written artefacts offers many opportunities for researching and teaching. The increasing availability of digital representations, however, can challenge the human ability to process large amounts of visual information and therefore requires appropriate forms of...
Internationale Perspektiven auf die Hochschuldidaktik
This event takes place in German.
"Bitte eine schöne Geschichte schreiben". Perspektiven einer Gütersloher Stadtgeschichte der Gegenwart
This event takes place in German.
US-amerikanische Aufstandsbekämpfung: Legitimes Regieren und/oder imperialer Krieg?
This event takes place in German.
"Ich habe gerade gestern son Erlebnis gehabt" - Weitschweifiges Erzählen in biographischen Interviews
This event takes place in German.
Cripping the City – Zugänge, Ressourcen, Zeitlichkeiten
This event takes place in German.
Digital Lunch Seminar: Revealing Hidden Cuneiform Writings at the Museum of Anatolian Civilization in Ankara
Beyond the Surface: Revealing Hidden Cuneiform Writings at the Museum of Anatolian Civilization in Ankara
Samaneh Ehteram and Andreas Beckert
Cuneiform is the earliest known system of writing, first developed for the Sumerian language of southern Mesopotamia in the second half of the 4th millennium BC. Cuneiform is created by imprinting a stylus on fresh clay tablets. From the middle of the 3rd...
A Fallibilist Approach to AI Value Alignment
Prof. Dr. Ibo van de Poel, Delft University of Technology, NL
Bilderbuch-, Alltags-, Technolandschaften. Warum Landschaften politisch sind, am Beispiel von Windkraft
This event takes place in German.
Karl der Große als Integrationsfigur
This event takes place in German.
Interview Training and excursion to NEXPERIA
Join us for an exclusive workshop and company visit at Nexperia, a global semiconductor company with a production site in the heart of Hamburg. This event provides a unique opportunity to gain insights into the corporate world, enhance your job application skills, and receive personalized feedback on your CV and interview techniques.
Introduction (30 minutes): Kick off the event with an...
„Triggerpunkt Klimaschutz?“, 29.01.2025
This event takes place in German.
Searching and finding the Palaeolithic on the Jutland Peninsula
This event takes place in German.
Whether in research, on the master's thesis or by chance on a bike - a variety of ideas arise in different places. Founding a company can be a possible way to ensure that great ideas don’t just sink into the drawer but are brought to life. Startup2Go is about exchanging ideas about starting a business, getting inspiration and feedback, finding out more about support options from Startup Port/the...
Literatur im Netz und digitale Wissenschaftskultur // Resümee und Ausblick
This event takes place in German.
Restorative Justice – Potentiale einer kommunikativen Aufarbeitung von Konflikten
This event takes place in German.
Sprachlicher Überfluss in Liebesbriefen
This event takes place in German.
Online-Infoveranstaltung "Praxismanagement"
This event takes place in German.
"Das höchste Ideal von einem Kernmann". Der Torso Belvedere und die Männerbilder der Kunst(-geschichte)
This event takes place in German.
Projektdiskussion: Aktuelle (Dissertations)projekte am HUL
This event takes place in German.
February 2025
Mental Clarity & Decision Making
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: English / Trainer: Vicent Botella-Soler / Max. Participants: 20
In this workshop, we look into the factors that impact on how we think and make decisions. Learn to question how your mindset can help or hinder your day-to-day life and your future career prospects.
This course can be credited to "Learn to Lead - Mindset Leadership" as...
Female Empowerment
This event takes place in German.
Über die Brüchigkeit und Stärke des Menschen – "Schachnovelle" von Stefan Zweig
This event takes place in German.
Insight into the technology platforms
This year's Day of Technology Platforms will take place on February 5th, 2025, at the Department of Chemistry (Martin-Luther-King-Platz 6, Lecture Hall B).
In the morning, we will give insights into the technologies and services that are available at the UHH Technology Platforms Mass Spectrometry, Electron Microscopy, Light Microscopy, Electron Cryo-Microscopy, NMR Spectroscopy and the CHyN Clean...
Lesung mit Franziska Schutzbach: "Revolution der Verbundenheit. Wie weibliche Solidarität die Gesellschaft verändert"
This event takes place in German.
Partizipativ Führen. Die Führungskraft als Facilitator:in
Target Group: All leaders at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Jutta Weimar / Max. Participants: 15
The workshop is in German.
In complex organiszations like the university, traditional leadership approaches reach their limits quickly. In this 4-hour workshop, various aspects of participatory leadership will be discussed, and immediately applicable methods and tools for "facilitating" will be...
The Competency Profile as the Basis for Successful Applications
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: English / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
The talk shows how important it is for successful (internal or external) applications to know your own core competencies and interests and to be able to specify them precisely.
This course can be credited to "Learn to Lead - Mindset Leadership".
Workshop: Mathematical Notes: Materiality and Epistemology
The study of notes written in mathematical language has long been an indispensable ingredient of a wider history of the mathematical sciences. Thus, the analysis and interpretation of the notes of prominent figures such as Galileo, Newton, Hilbert and Einstein have provided us with important insights into research processes and scientific thinking. At the same time, mathematical notes and...
Meet&Match – Co-Founder Matching Social Entrepreneurship Edition: Kick-off
This event takes place in German.
Talk: "Gendered Innovations: Unlocking Opportunities and Driving Excellence in STEM and Medicine"
We are delighted to invite professors from Hamburg universities to a talk with the internationally renowned Stanford Professor Londa Schiebinger, John L. Hinds Professor of History of Science, Stanford University and Director of the Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Environment and Engineering Project.
Londa Schiebinger will explore how integrating gender analysis into research...
CEN Graduation Ceremony & Wladimir Köppen Award
Our next CEN Graduation Ceremony will take place on Friday, February 7, 2025. There we would like to honour all 2024 graduates (from February 2024) and until January 2025 in a festive ceremony followed by a reception. Another highlight is the awarding of the Wladimir Köppen Prize for outstanding dissertations.
All graduates of the Master programs Meteorology, Geophysics...
Online-Informationsveranstaltung "Change Management Coach“
This event takes place in German.
Wissenschaftlich Präsentieren – Klar und kompetent
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
HRA City Walk – Interactive In Germany's largest police museum
Once a month, the HRA provides an opportunity to see Hamburg from a different perspective and to exchange and network with Hamburg researchers. We explore the locations and sights near our member universities with a professional guide. There will be the opportunity to continue chatting and networking with fellow researchers over a drink after the tour. We look forward to meeting you!
Betreuung von Promovierenden. Session 5: Formale Aspekte der Promotion. Gesetze, Ordnungen und Regulation
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Betreuung von Promovierenden. Session 5: Formale Aspekte der Promotion. Gesetze, Ordnungen und Regulation
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Active Job Search: Researching – Networking – Visibility
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: English / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
This talk shows how bold networking and increasing your visibility can help you tap into the enormous potential of the so-called hidden job market.
Bin ich auf dem richtigen Weg? - Individuelle Karriereplanung
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: German / Trainer: Joanna Bouchi-Häfner / Max. Participants: 8
In diesem Workshop erarbeiten Sie Ihre persönlichen Stärken und die damit einhergehenden beruflichen Perspektiven. Allein und in Kleingruppen erarbeiten Sie sich Ihre Karriereplanung.
Dieser Kurs ist anrechenbar für „Learn to Lead – Führen mit Haltung“.
Navigating Uncertainty
Target Group: Doctoral researchers, Postdocs, Junior Professors and Leaders of Junior Research Groups / Language: English / Trainer: Dr. Desiree Dickerson / Max. Participants: 100
In this talk, you will explore: Give yourself permission to feel uncertain; navigate uncertainty and worry; make micro-changes to maintain a solid emotional and mental foundation; and more!
This course can be credited...
Leserunde #13: Mehrsprachigkeit im akademischen Schreiben
This event takes place in German.
Online-Informationsveranstaltung „General Management MBA“
This event takes place in German.
Die größten Teilchenbeschleuniger im Universum
This event takes place in German.
How to write Successful Applications
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: English / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
How can you communicate your skills, qualifications and professional experience in your application documents in such a way that the recipients find your profile convincing? This introductory talk introduces different aspects of successful applications such as thorough preparation, becoming the...
Körperlich fit bleiben - auch im Pflegestress
This event takes place in German.
Achtsam und entspannt bleiben auch im Pflegestress
This event takes place in German.
Online-Workshop: „Der Trauer begegnen…“ Pflegende und trauernde Angehörige im beruflichen Alltag
This event takes place in German.
Postdoc Talks – Tackle the realities of moving abroad!
Tips and Advice from an Expat Psychologist
Participate in an in-person Postdoc Talk where common challenges faced by international researchers will be highlighted, and techniques to address these challenged will be addressed using psychological techniques. The session will be informative, but also highly interactive with an exchange between the participants through questions and practical...
Common Job Interview Questions Outside Academia
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: English / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
This talk is all about typical job interview questions (and possible answers). From interviewing techniques to preparation and your personal mindset.
Wachsende Herausforderungen im Fach Mathematik in der Studieneingangsphase von MINT-Studiengängen
This event takes place in German.
March 2025
HRA Spotlight – Auslandsaufenthalte während der Promotion
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
HRA Spotlight – #HowToDo Medienanfragen
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Taming the Inner Critic
Target Group: Doctoral researchers, Postdocs, Junior Professors and Leaders of Junior Research Groups / Language: English / Trainer: Dr. Desiree Dickerson / Max. Participants: 100
In this talk, you will explore: Give yourself permission to feel uncertain; navigate uncertainty and worry; make micro-changes to maintain a solid emotional and mental foundation; and more!
This course can be credited...
Nachhaltig essen – Was ist gesund für mich und den Planeten?
This event takes place in German.
Co-Founders connect!
Are you looking for a co-founder? Then you should definitely stop by our “Co-Founders connect!” event on 06.03.2025 from 4-7 pm! Finding a suitable co-founder is crucial for the success of your start-up, because together you can combine your strengths to realize your vision.
As a founder, you have the opportunity to present your idea and yourself with a poster at our event. Show the visitors:
HRA City Walk – Museum of Nature Hamburg – In front of and behind the scenes
Once a month, the HRA provides an opportunity to see Hamburg from a different perspective and to exchange and network with Hamburg researchers. We explore the locations and sights near our member universities with a professional guide. There will be the opportunity to continue chatting and networking with fellow researchers over a drink after the tour. We look forward to meeting you!
The team of Startup Port invites you to a breakfast with female founders. Are you interested in founding a company? Are you about to start a business or have you already founded one? Then come by to exchange ideas with other women about the topic of "founding" and to support each other. What awaits you? Depending on your wishes, there will be a keynote speech or you, as an expert, can exchange...
Workshop: Manuscript Cultures in the Caucasus
The workshop brings together specialists in the three manuscript cultures that developed in the course of the Christianisation of the southern Caucasus during the first millennium of our era, Armenian, Georgian, and Caucasian Albanian, with a view to discuss their spread, their scopes, their shapes, and their peculiarities. Special attention will be paid to the material analysis of the manuscripts...
Online-Infoveranstaltung "Mediation in Gruppen und Teams"
This event takes place in German.
Teaching for Sustainability: Internationale Austauschrunde
This event takes place in German.
April 2025
Sonntagsführung: Die Kamelien im Botanischen Garten
This event takes place in German.
Sonntagsführung: Ein Osterspaziergang durch den Loki-Schmidt-Garten
This event takes place in German.
Gesund bleiben durch Augentraining
This event takes place in German.
Projektdiskussion: Zwischen Mangelbewältigung und Entwicklungs-Freiraum
This event takes place in German.
Sonntagsführung: Frühlings-Zauber-Pflanzen
This event takes place in German.
Aktionstag Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz
This event takes place in German.
May 2025
Sonntagsführung: Naturnahes Gärtnern
This event takes place in German.
Internationale Perspektiven auf die Hochschuldidaktik
This event takes place in German.
HCHE Center Day
The HCHE Center Day offers members the opportunity to present their own research projects and discuss them with colleagues. The internal HCHE event aims to promote scientific exchange and networking among HCHE researchers.
Sonntagsführung: Bambus - das Riesengras im Botanischen Garten
This event takes place in German.
Sonntagsführung: Mehr als Bienchen und Blümchen - Fortpflanzungsbiologie der Pflanzen
This event takes place in German.
Duftende Welt der ätherischen Öle
This event takes place in German.
June 2025
Duftende Welt der ätherischen Öle
This event takes place in German.
July 2025
Duftende Welt der ätherischen Öle
This event takes place in German.
November 2025
Partizipativ Führen. Die Führungskraft als Facilitator:in
Target Group: All leaders at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Jutta Weimar / Max. Participants: 15
The workshop is in German.
In complex organiszations like the university, traditional leadership approaches reach their limits quickly. In this 4-hour workshop, various aspects of participatory leadership will be discussed, and immediately applicable methods and tools for "facilitating" will be...
Internationale Perspektiven auf die Hochschuldidaktik
This event takes place in German.
January 2026
Reform und Professionalisierung der Weiblichen Kriminalpolizei von Weimar bis zum NS
This event takes place in German.