International funding programs
External funding contributes in a variety of ways to the internationalization of universities. The DAAD and the EU educational program Erasmus + count among the main funding institutions in this area.
These programs promote the internationalization of teaching, e.g., in the form of academic partnerships, the creation or expansion of new cooperations, the financing of visiting lecturers, the development of summer school programs abroad, and a host of further regional cooperation and mobility programs.
You can find actual offers at the following portals:
Below we have compiled relevant program information, including objectives, conditions, and funding possibilities and are happy to support you in the application phase.
Structural development programs in research and teaching
Bachelor Plus Program to establish four-year bachelor's programs including one year of study abroad (DAAD)
- to internationalize teaching at German universities by developing four-year bachelor's programs that require one year of study abroad (academic or practical semester)
- to offer 240 credits and provide a special international credential
- to increase the mobility of German students and diversity at German universities
- regular period of study: 4 years of which 1 year is devoted to study abroad
- up to a total of €50,000 in the first year; subsequently €80,000 per university year
- resources (academic and administrative staff, tutors, language instructors, travel subsidies to attend working meetings at foreign partner schools, material resources of up to €3,000, accreditation costs, short-term instructing contracts—2 weeks to 3 months in both directions)
- mobility funding for German students (generally €300, insurance and travel cost subsidies, if necessary tuition fees)
Applications can be submitted every June; prospective application deadline is September.
ISAP (DAAD): International academic and educational partnerships
- effective credit transfer with roughly 30 ECTS credits per semester in bachelor's and master's programs
- at least three participating German students per group to study at a partner school at the same time; reciprocity with regard to number of exchange students (3↔3); acquisition of roughly 30 credits per semester; ensured recognition of exam achievements; tuition fee discounts; cooperation agreement
- German students: scholarship funding
- international students (from developing and emerging countries only): subsidy
- structural expenses (German/international short-term instructing contracts, tutorials, language courses, travel for purpose of initial contact for the German party, NO project personnel!)
This funding program is open to all partner countries outside of ERASMUS and Brazil; duration is unlimited and applications for extension can generally be submitted every 2 years (projects that have been successfully funded for four years may extend for a further four years).
Applications can be submitted every June; prospective application deadline is October.
Double degree program / integrated degree programs offering double degrees (DAAD)
- development of bachelor and master degree programs offering double / joint degree (joint curriculum)
- Preparatory phase: cooperation agreement or letter of intent (LOI); tuition fee agreements (discounts involving at least 50% reduction); compelling curricular and structural concept
- Funding phase: cooperation agreement; presentation of curriculum for joint program agreed upon by partner schools (profile, qualification goals, etc.); MA: at least 1 semester of study at partner school; BA: at least two semesters; agreement upon admission procedures; recognition of achievements abroad; joint / double degree; diploma supplement; proof of student mobility in both directions / balanced exchange numbers (5↔5); language preparation as well as subject-related and non-subject-related supervision; joint academic and exam regulations; planned or executed accreditation of double degree program
- Preparatory phase: up to €10,000 per funding year—structural resources, personnel costs, material resources
- Funding phase: generally up to €50,000 per funding year for structural resources (i.e., personnel costs, material resources, etc.) and scholarship funding for German students
Joint master's degrees (Erasmus+)
Objectives: high-quality international degree programs offering 60, 90, or 120 ECTS credits in an international consortium of universities or with other partners with special expertise
- Participating institutions must be legally authorized to confer master's degrees (at least 3 partners from 3 countries).
- Entire program must be recognized by all national authorities.
- Successful completion leads to awarding of:
- a joint degree, e.g., a certificate from at least 2 universities of 2 participating countries;
- several degrees, e.g., at least 2 certificates from 2 universities of 2 participating countries.
- During the application phase:
- joint degree programs must already be established and recognition procedures must be complete;
- there is a very selective selection procedure.
- Studies must be completed in at least two partner countries.
- contribution to degree program management
- 13-20 scholarships and 4 visiting lecturers per degree program
Visiting/guest lecturer program: funding for foreign instructors to teach at German universities
- prior review of candidate and agreement
- hosting university responsible for supervising content and handling organization
- Model A individual funding (3–24 months): hosting university contributes at least 10%
- Model B visiting professorship: hosting university contributes at least 30%
Please note: If an application is successful, the University's own contribution can be handled by the Department of International Affairs. Please contact Gerhard Müller for more information.
- Model A individual funding (3–24 months): employer gross + social security contributions
- Model B guest/visiting lecturer: 70% employer gross + social security contributions
- A+B: travel cost allowance (also for families in the case of 2 full semesters), mobility payment of €500 per semester; max. €3,000 for activities within the framework of the guest/visiting lectureship
Strategic partnerships (Erasmus +)
- support of up to €450,000 for a maximum of 3 years for development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative methods at organizational, local, regional, national, or European level
- to strengthen the quality and relevance of courses using new approaches and to support the dissemination of best practices
- to firmly establish the availability and review of key skills
- to increase relevance of courses and qualifications to the labor market and to support innovative methods in education by supporting personalized approaches to learning, collective learning, and the strategic use of ICT
- to develop innovative joint degree programs
- Project applications should correspond to one or more of the program's objectives and priorities.
- Project applications should be relevant for EU education and policy agenda goals.
- At least 3 partners from 3 EU countries (including Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Norway, Switzerland, and Turkey) must be involved.
- max. €450,000 for a project lasting 3 years
- personnel and travel costs, material resource costs, mobility and training costs (various one-off or lump-sum payments depending upon material cost category)
Summer school programs and short stays abroad
Summer academies in Germany (DAAD)
Objectives: to internationalize German universities and strengthen the international orientation of teaching
- duration: at least 14 days
- supplemental regional/cultural activities
- at least 50% international participants
- courses should be offered continually over a period of several years
- max. funding amount €25,000
- living costs: €250 per participant and week
- one-time travel cost payment
- course fee funding: €500 per participant for up to a maximum of €5,000 per summer academy program
More information
Interdisciplinary summer academies and symposia (Volkswagen Foundation)
Objectives: to consider new ideas and research approaches in science and scholarship and to encourage the use of innovative course formats
- an interdisciplinary and international context
- active participation of young researchers (doctoral students and post-docs)
- significant inclusion of academics among both lecturers and participants
- room and board; venue costs
- travel expenses (least expensive fares) for participants and speakers / resources for childcare costs arising in the context of events or activities
- resources to prepare and execute activities, including resources to prepare and implement activities/events including the creation of work materials, their publication on the Internet and, if necessary, the creation of copies.
Application deadline: anytime for summer academies
Summer academies abroad (DAAD)
Objectives: to internationalize German universities and strengthen the international orientation of teaching
- priority target countries (Brazil, Korea, and others)
- duration: 2–4 weeks
- 10–30 participants
- association with partner university (cooperation agreement, contribution from partner, e.g., rooms)
- core teaching program: 70% taught by German instructors
- rigorous program of supplemental activities
- all academically qualified persons must be eligible to apply
- max. funding amount €25,000
- travel by instructors to partner university
- material resources (advertising, material, fees, local costs of partner university, etc.)
Applications can be submitted every June; prospective application dealine is September.
Travel to congresses and lectures (DAAD)
Who is eligible for funding?
- post-doctoral academics with a proven record of significant research; doctoral students; emeriti who are integrated into the German academic landscape and who live and/or pursue activities long-term in Germany
- German scholarship holders receiving support from German organizations abroad and who cannot acquire any other funding for travel to congresses
What is funded?
travel cost allowance independent of country; funding for stays abroad; conference fees (early-bird rates) for 8 congress/lecture days max
What are the requirements?
- active participation in the event
- lecture or poster presentation
When to apply:
- at the latest 4 months prior to the start of the congress
- at the latest 1 month prior to commencing travel to give a lecture
Programs with a regional focus
Exchange programs for specific projects
- to intensify academic cooperation between German and international research groups
- to expand established or create new cooperations
- advanced training, specialization, and internationalization of young researchers
Recommended for:
- projects involving small or medium-sized research teams with a high number of young researchers
- synergetic cooperation between two research groups
- mid-term research projects (1–3 years depending upon region)
- individual mobility expenses for cross-border cooperation (travel expenses, costs for the stay abroad)
- two types of funding depending on project partner: financing travel expenses and costs of stay for the German project partner / financing German partner's travel costs and foreign partner's expenses for a stay
Eligible applicants:
university professors and postdocs
Applications and more information: Project database DAAD
Further regional DAAD programs
- AGGN—African Good Governance Network (Application deadline: every 15 November)
- Transformation: This funds various cooperation opportunities, including: German-Arab research partnernships and joint master's programs
- Go East—semester scholarships
- Information about further funding programs in the DAAD database: project funding programs
Staff members working in EU research funding provide support for international projects devoted exclusively to research.
Funding agreement and application with the approval of the University leadership
The Department of International Affairs, as a central institution of the University Administration, coordinates external funding applications submitted by the University’s faculties and institutes and, if necessary, manages the signing process for funding agreements resulting from successful applications. In the case of external funding applications, the external funding provider generally requires a statement of approval from the University leadership.
These external funding applications primarily involve the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Erasmus+ programs (e.g., strategic partnerships, thematic networks).
- The Department of Research Management and Funding is responsible for research projects.
- The Erasmus coordinator and the Erasmus University Coordinator in the Department of International Affairs are responsible for Erasmus+ mobility.
Signatures for external funding applications
For external funding applications, the external funding provider generally requires a statement of approval from the University leadership. In this instance, we will gladly obtain the necessary signatures. For this, the following documents must be submitted:
- application documents, including the budget
- written confirmation of consent from the office of the dean along with the application and a guarantee that no funds from the University’s central budget will be used for the project
Be aware that different units in the University administration are involved in the procedure; therefore, allow 8–10 days for processing.
Signatures for funding agreements
The Department of International Affairs coordinates the signatory procedure for funding agreements within the scope of international cooperations (DAAD, Erasmus+, and, where necessary, other non-research-related cooperations). We will gladly obtain the necessary signatures and contact the external funding administration. For this, the following documents must be submitted:
- the funding agreement
- if not already provided in the application, the application documents, including the budget, and written confirmation of consent from the office of the dean as well as a guarantee that no funds from the University’s central budget will be used for the project