Strategic Networks
A New Approach To Sustainable International Networks
International cooperation, multilateral research, promotion of early career researchers - with the “Strategic Networks”, University of Hamburg is pursuing the goal of promoting and building sustainable research-oriented networks with strategic and other international partner institutions.
The strategic networks are part of the internationalization dimension of University of Hamburg 's application for excellence.
To promote international cooperation in multilateral networks with strategic partner universities, the University of Excellence Hamburg has set up an effective funding line with the “Next Generation Partnerships (NGP) - Thematic Networks”.
The "NGP - Thematic Networks" funding line supports multilateral research collaborations with the aim of preparing a long-term third-party funded project involving young researchers.
In 2022, the "ILLF@home" funding line was launched and further developed into ILLF (International Teaching and Learning Formats) in 2023 to establish digital teaching formats with strategic and potential partners in the long term. 2022 also saw the launch of the annual trilateral staff exchange programme (TriStaX) between Universität Hamburg, Stellenbosch University (South Africa) and Northwestern University (USA) for the internationalization of administration.
The Hamburg Networking Conference (HNC), which takes place every two years, offers a forum for networking with international university partners at an administrative level on issues of internationalization in research, teaching and transfer.
Since 2023, the strategic networks have been supplemented by the “international university marketing” action.