International Teaching and Learning Formats
The Department of International Affairs supports concepts with an international structure within the scope of Universität Hamburg’s funding line for international teaching and learning formats (Internationale Lehr- und Lernformate, ILLF). Funded projects are implemented in collaboration with current and potential strategic partner universities as well as other international partner universities with strategic importance to the faculty. The purpose of the funding line is to deepen collaboration in education and to involve more academics and, in particular, students from all groups in the resulting international partnerships. To this end, it aims to build on existing contacts within academia and to advance the University’s current and potential strategic partnerships as well as faculty exchange partnerships on the international level.
- Target group: Students from all backgrounds (bachelor’s/master’s/Staatsexamen (state examination)/doctorate) from Universität Hamburg and eligible partner universities; open to students of all subjects
- Eligibility: Teaching staff at Universität Hamburg
- Program objectives: Advancement of international partnerships, involvement of students in existing academic collaborations, long-term development of learning and teaching formats as a strategic tool to foster international collaboration
- Activities eligible for funding: study excursions (incoming or outgoing, present, blended or purely virtual formats)
- Funding:
- Up to €12,000 per present or blended project for travel and accommodation or, partially, for organizational expenses, materials, local excursions
- Up to €5,000 per purely virtual project
- Application deadline:
- 15 March 2025 for projects implemented in summer semester 2025 or winter semester 2025/26.
- The following application deadline for projects in winter semester 2025/26 or summer semester 2026 will be 16 September 2025.
- Parallel applications for Hamburglobal study excursions or individual funding from Hamburglobal are not accepted.
- ILLF funding: Study trips in cooperation with strategic partner universities, potential partners and other international partner universities that are of strategic importance to the faculties.
- Hamburglobal funding: Study trips without the involvement of the above-mentioned partners and study trips without partner universities
Information on how to apply
Prerequisites for applicants:
- The applicant is employed in a professorial capacity by Universität Hamburg and carries out regular teaching duties. Postdoctoral researchers and research associates may apply with the support of a professor.
- The project will be carried out jointly with a teacher from the partner university.
- The ILLF program will be implemented in collaboration with one of the University’s international partners
- At least 5 students from Universität Hamburg and/or 5 students from the partner university will take part in the ILLF program.
- Reciprocal funding from the partner university is welcome but not required.
Aside from enabling participants to further their skills and gain insight into the host country, the program is designed to foster contacts between students and academics from the countries involved. Subsidies for mandatory and/or regular excursions may be granted upon application. The available funding does not cover primarily touristic trips, speaking tours, conference travel, simulated travel, or travel to competitions. Applicants must specify in their application whether their faculty or department will cofund the project or whether the applicant has attempted to secure cofunding. This will help the program management determine the feasibility of the project.
The application must further include:
- Cover sheet (.pdf)
- an explanation of the project (including its academic design)
- a project schedule
- explanation of the suitability of the individual students
- a list of participants (can be submitted up to 4 weeks prior to the excursion)
- a statement of costs (.xlsx)
- for a collaboration with international partner universities that are no strategic or potential strategic partner universities: a confirmation from the office of the dean that the international partner university is of strategic importance for the faculty
- Maximum number of pages: 10
A decision will be made on the basis of the following selection criteria and considerations, which are designed to identify potential long-term partnerships:
Formal criteria
- Compliance with the application deadline
- Fitting of the planned activities into the funding line (joint (virtual) teaching + study trip, block or specialized seminar, etc.)
Professional quality
- Project - Involvement of students in preparation and, if necessary, conceptualization
- Schedule / Program
- Selection of students based on the quality of their academic performance and their involvement in the conception and preparation of the study trip or project
- Are the students expected actively to contribute to the program of the project (minor independent research projects, prepared contributions, preliminary contact with people of the partner country etc.)?
- Will the students gain insight into the academic culture and/or scientific community of the country and the relevant discipline, including modern research projects/approaches? International networking with students at the partner institution is desirable.
- Will there be any exchange with groups outside of academia?
Strategic benefit and sustainability of the project
- Established contacts or past projects at/with the partner institution
- Impact of the project on the long-term partnership between Universität Hamburg and the institution in question
- Visibility: What long-term projects will the project produce (documentation, evaluation, utilization of data collected during the excursion, etc.)?
- Planned continuation of the project following joint applications for (partial) third-party funding with the partner institution
- Are aspects of ecological sustainability and sufficiency take into account (e.g., are the duration of the excursion and the flight distance appropriate, and will the carbon emissions of the flight be offset?)
Financial planning
- Statement of costs
- Co-funding from the faculty and the partner institution, third-party funding if applicable
- Student´s own contribution
Export control, academic freedom, and in-depth review procedure
The Department of International Affairs helps Universität Hamburg researchers by minimizing the risk of and providing a sound basis for international cooperation. In 2020, Universität Hamburg’s Executive University Board resolved to establish a review process for international cooperation. The University Administration will review funding applications and cooperation agreements with international partners with regard to the upholding of academic freedom and the requirements of the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA). If cooperation topics are relevant to further control rights issues, and if the cooperating institution is located in a country that the Academic Freedom Index (AFI) has listed as restricting academic freedom, an in-depth review procedure will be initiated. Both the first and the in-depth review will be conducted within strictly defined parameters.
General criteria
Funding can only be granted if all main application prerequisites (see the ‘Application’ tab) are met and funds are available.
Utilization of funds:
- Travel and accommodation costs for students of Universität Hamburg and 1 accompanying academic (for events taking place at a partner university or externally)
- Travel and accommodation costs for students of the partner university and 1 accompanying scholar from the partner university (for events taking place in Hamburg)
- Partially covered: local excursions, welcome/farewell event, and other organizational expenses (up to 15% of the total funding amount)
- Approved funds can in general not be taken to other universities (e.g. if the employment relationship changes)
- Funding can (proportionally) be spent for personnel costs (student employees / assistants, tutors, increasing existing positions in the academic staff)
- Up to usually EUR 2,000 per present or blended project
- Up to usually EUR 5,000 per purely virtual project
Funding amount:
- Accommodation expenses should adhere to guidelines that are comparable to the funding rates of programs of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
- The maximal available funding amount is
- Up to €12,000 per present or blended project
- Up to €5,000 per purely virtual project
Claiming expenses (Universität Hamburg academic staff):
- Applicants manage the granted funding in consultation with the Department of International Affairs.
- Funds used to cover the travel costs of Universität Hamburg employees must be claimed as part of the work-related travel expense claim.
- Funds for students are paid out as lump sums.
Detailed report:
- The applicant must submit a detailed project report to the Department of International Affairs no later than 6 weeks after the end of the project.