Security imaginaries of climate change and emotions in the Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion campaigns
Dr. Delf Rothe, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policies (UHH)
Dr. David Shim, Faculty of Arts/Department of International Relations and International Organization (UG)
Funding Term: 2022 – 2023
The project “Security imaginaries of climate change and emotions in the Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion campaigns” (SECIMA) studies how the two key global movements of our time - Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion - use images and other visuals to narrate climate change as a threat to human, national or global security and at the same time legitimize and justify their activism. SECIMA will contribute to the emerging scholarly debate on visual narratives in global politics, (self-)legitimation of social movements as global political actors and visual methods in the study of International Relations.