Need for structure as a distinguishing factor for the football players’ tactical playing position.
Finn C. Simonn, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, Chair of Marketing and Innovation (UHH)
Dr. Ruud J. R. den Hartigh, Prof. Dr. Nico van Yperen, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, Department Developmental Psychology (UG)
The collaboration project “Need for structure as a distinguishing factor for the football players’ tactical playing position” (NFS-TI) investigates whether football players at different playing positions can be distinguished in terms of their psychological need strengths. Do defenders, who should prevent goals by following the tactical guidelines, have more need for structure than offensive players, for instance? Such questions will be investigated in the regions of Hamburg and Groningen. This contributes to scientific insights into the psychological profiles of players at different positions. In practice, it may aid in talent identification and- development in the football domain.