Postdoctoral funding
Have you earned your doctorate and now wish to pursue an academic career?
The next step is the post-doctoral phase. This is the time to develop your research in greater depth or select a new research focus and become qualified for leadership in academia. Acquiring external funding is pivotal for your further academic career. Watch our video series now and turn funding challenges into opportunities!
Based on your current career phase, we advise you on specific external funding programs from various institutions:
- German Research Foundation (DFG), e.g., temporary positions for principal investigators, research fellowships, the Emmy Noether Program, and the Heisenberg Program
- Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), e.g., heading of junior research groups
- DAAD, e.g., PRIME
- foundations, e.g., Volkswagen Foundation
When you apply, we advise you on formal criteria and take care of the documents that the University must submit to the funding body (e.g., employer’s certificate). We also give feedback on the structure of your research application, particularly your objectives, work plan, and financing.
Before attending one of our advising sessions, complete this form (DOCX) and return it to us by email.
Get in touch with us!
Employer’s certificate and completion of an external funding notification form (Drittmittelanzeige)
Complete an external funding notification form (Drittmittelprojektanzeige) before having the employer’s certificate signed.
External funding notification form including brief instructions for completion (PDF)
Current DFG employer’s certificate form for a temporary position for principal investigator
Current employer’s certificate form for an Emmy Noether application