Interview with Dr. Katrin Seelhorst
Those working in research and higher education management operate at the interface between researchers and (higher education and academic) administration. Activities in strategic development and implementation; the coordination of collaborative research centers (CRCs), graduate schools, and clusters of excellence; and the development of institutional strategies and substrategies in the areas of international affairs, knowledge exchange, communication, human resources, and planning fall into this field. The offices of the dean in the faculties also offer a stimulating working environment, as in the case of Dr. Katrin Seelhorst.
Assistant to the Dean
Work location:
Office of the dean for the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences
What motivated you to take up a position in research and higher education management at the University of Hamburg?
In research and higher education management, you have the opportunity to support current research topics and academia in the best possible way; you also get far greater insight into higher-level university-and science-policy developments and decisions. I found and still find that very interesting. It was a stroke of luck for me that it ended up being exactly this position.
What are 3 reasons you enjoy working at the University of Hamburg?
The diversity of topics in my job, the amazing colleagues in the office of the dean, and the respectful collaboration with our departments.