Information on recognizing student associations
The following documents must be submitted (gladly as scanned documents by email) with an application for recognition as a student association at the University of Hamburg:
- Informal application for recognition (provide a contact email address that will be published on the University of Hamburg website)
- Bylaws of the student association
- Name and registered office of the student association
- Purpose
- Members Active members must be students enrolled at the University of Hamburg.
- RepresentativeProof of authority to represent the student association
- BoardThe bylaws must contain a provision stating that a board will be formed, the duration of the term of office, whether the board is authorized to represent the other members judicially and extrajudicially, whether the board should represent association members jointly or individually, and who is authorized to represent the student association during the application process.
- A deputy representative must also be named.
- General meeting of members The minutes of the founding meeting at which the persons authorized to represent the association were elected (signed by all founding members) must be provided.
- Valid proof of enrollment (not student ID) from at least 7 members including the board
Continued recognitionProof the student association still exists must be submitted at least once every 12 months. This requires:
- minutes from the general members meeting (signed by the whole board)
- names, addresses, and telephone numbers of board members (students enrolled at the University of Hamburg)
- authorized representatives for applications for room allocation, information and book stands
- valid proof of enrollment (not student ID) from at least 7 members including the board
Failure to observe this annual requirement will result in the student association being removed from the list. Rooms at the University will then not be made available free of charge.
(last updated August 2015)