Departmental student bodies
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Department of Economics
Departments of Social Sciences and Economics
Department of Social Sciences
- Social Sciences Student Representative Committee
- Journalism Student Representative Committee
- MA in International Criminology Student Representative Committee
Department of Socioeconomics
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Education
- Education Student Representative Committee
- Teacher Training Student Representative Committee (in German only)
- Fachschaftsrat Gewerbelehramt (in German only)
Faculty of Humanities
Department of Protestant Theology
Departments of Language, Literature and Media and of European Languages, Literatures and Media (SLM I+II)
Departments of History and Philosophy
Department of Cultural History and Contemporary Culture
- Archaeology Student Representative Committee
- Musicology Student Representative Committee
- Art History Student Representative Committee
- Volkskunde Student Representative Committee
- Social and Cultural Anthropology Student Representative Committee
Department of Asia-Africa Studies
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences
Department of Mathematics
Department of Physics
Department of Chemistry
Department of Biology
Department of Earth System Sciences (Earth Sciences)
- Geophysics Student Representative Committee
- Geography Student Representative Committee
- Meteorology Student Representative Committee
- Oceanography Student Representative Committee
- Integrated Climate System Sciences (ICSS) Student Representative Committee