Accreditation of coursework completed abroad
More information for students and faculties
- Website issued by the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), informs students of their rights and responsibilities with regard to recognition of academic achievements from foreign institutions.
These guidelines were created for universities and intended to illuminate the basic principles of the Lisbon Recognition Convention as well as provide recommendations for establishing binding and transparent recognition procedures. They contain information about key elements of the Lisbon Convention (especially with regard to burden of proof and subtantial differences), provide guidance about legally implementing procedures in Germany, and offer tips and recommendations for setting up recognition and quality assurance procedures.
- Anerkennung von im Ausland erworbenen Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen by the HRK—complete text (PDF, in German only)
- Anerkennung von im Ausland erworbenen Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen by the HRK—abridged text (PDF, in German only)