The ESSvSB Workshop
Towards the German physics community's participation in a neutrino long baseline project in Europe
Starting from the early organization stage, the fund allowed me to plan for and organize a top-level workshop, including an invitation to a Nobel Prize winner in physics, Prof. Dr. Carlo Rubbia. I was also able to hold a dedicated session to discuss the future: the next to next generation of research and experiments in the field of neutrino physics.
These experiments will play a crucial role in defining the future of the whole field for the next decades. For this session, I was also able to invite key scientists in the field from the USA, Spain, UK, Italy, and Sweden.
Extensive discussions with key scientists in the field were of great direct impact on my research.
I learned many advanced analytical methods that will help in improving my data analysis and physics simulations.
The NGP funding line is a great opportunity for young staff at Universität Hamburg, especially towards establishing new international scientific links, a crucial step in developing their future academic career.
I strongly believe that funding lines such as the Next Generation Partnerships will play an important role in attracting talented early career researchers to Universität Hamburg, which in turn will elevate the role that the University plays nationally and internationally.
The fact that the University offers such a funding opportunity to its staff is a great addition to its commitment to offer a competitive and top-level scientific environment, especially since the alternative is to go for other external funding organizations that require nationwide competition.
Organizing such a workshop was of great impact on improving my organizational skills for large events. It also gave me the chance to improve my discussion and invitation skills with well-known scientific figures in the world, who are usually not easily persuaded to participate in these events.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ESSvSB-Workshop had to be conducted virtually.