Partnership for research on biota-climate-feedbacks (PERICLES)
The major focus of PERICLES are biota-climate-feedbacks. These include relatively well-studied effects of climate and climatic change on biota, and the so far almost neglected effects of biota on climate and climatic change. Our vision is to understand these complex interactions in ecosystems along the transition from marine to terrestrial regions in the Northern Hemisphere.
Taking PERCILES as a starting point, we will establish a strategic, multilateral research cooperation between scientists at UHH and renowned international experts from Fudan University (China), Indiana University Bloomington (USA), Lund University (Sweden), and Macquarie University (Australia). By organizing an international scientific meeting, we will establish a working-space for the discussion of the current state of the art, scientific approaches, and emerging research questions.
PERICLES will foster early career scientists through the exchange of PhD students and PostDocs between UHH and the partner institutions. Last but not least, PERICLES will develop strong regional partnerships in Northern Germany supporting UHHs role as a flagship university.