Continuing education, networks, and literature
Seminars, lectures, and workshops
Faculties, research institutions, professorships, working groups, and the like at the University of Hamburg and the UKE have the opportunity to request good-research-practice information classes or teaching from the Ombuds Office. Details regarding target group, duration, content, and other points can be agreed individually.
Once a semester, the Hamburg Research Academy offers a Spotlight lecture on the topic of good research practice. In addition, workshops are offered in which the practical significance of good research practice for everyday research is taught across subjects. Corresponding courses are posted in the HRA course portal.
Training for doctoral researchers
The Ombuds Office(ombudsstelle"AT" also offers training on good research practice for doctoral researchers. These courses are based on a curriculum created by the German Research Ombusdman, and are aimed particularly at the University’s graduate schools and research training groups.
Teaching good research practice
In accordance with DFG rules, students from all subjects should be informed about the rules of good research practice and their significance at the beginning of their studies. A curriculum for courses on good research practice has been developed for suitable courses and in-depth training on good research practice in everyday research. It can be used across all subjects and is available to all interested parties for the development and implementation of their own courses.