Bylaws and Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice
University of Hamburg Bylaws for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice
University of Hamburg’s Bylaws for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice (PDF) serve to communicate the principles of good research practice comprehensively in advance to prevent misconduct and questionable practices in everyday research. The regulations are binding for all employees working in science, scholarship, and research at the University of Hamburg and the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf.
The bylaws outline the fundamental principles and standards of research integrity, which are equally valid for all subjects and explain the basics for implementing these standards. Based on the DFG’s code of conduct, they define the application of the principles of good research practice in the safeguarding and storage of original data and documentation, records, authorship and publication. In addition, the bylaws specify the various forms of research misconduct and formulate guidelines for avoiding them. They describe, in detail, how to deal with evidence of breaches of rules, suspected research misconduct, and the required proceedings.
Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice—the German Research Foundation’s (DFG) code of conduct
The German Research Foundation (DFG) Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice communicate the basic principles of research integrity and oblige all institutions that apply for DFG funding to implement them.
DFG Research Integrity portal
The DFG operates the Research Integrity Portal, which offers general and research-specific comments on the guidelines, practical examples, and frequently asked questions. There are also references to legislation and other standards, DFG statements, and external sources. The portal also provides various search and access modes for users.