Madame Courage—celebrating graduates and welcoming new scholarship recipients on 3 March 2016
23 February 2016
The next round of the Madame Courage scholarship program is set to begin. The goal of the program is to enable single mothers to get their degree. In addition to financial support, recipients are mentored and receive support as they take their first career steps.
The next round of the Madame Courage scholarship program is set to begin. The goal of the program is to enable single mothers to get their degree. In addition to financial support, recipients are mentored and receive support as they take their first career steps. Read on in German...
2014/2015 haben wir die ersten beiden Studentinnen gefördert. Wir freuen uns mit ihnen über ihren erfolgreichen Studienabschluss im vergangenen Jahr. Seit dem Wintersemester 2015/2016 fördert Madame Courage zwei neue Stipendiatinnen.
Zusammen mit Ihnen möchten wir dies feiern und laden Sie gemeinsam mit der Stabsstelle Gleichstellung der Universität Hamburg ein am