Support measures in individual faculties and institutions
Faculty of Business Administration
- Systematic financial support measures for female academics with family obligations (e.g., childcare) as part of the Elisabeth Eisfeld Postdoctoral Program
- Systematic support for female academics with family obligations based on individual agreement with superiors as follows:
- female academics with family obligations may be granted several hours of support from a student assistant;
- (financial) support for childcare emergencies and/or in extenuating circumstances may be available.
- "BWLternzeit": improving the balance between family life and work life while ensuring planning security for positions attached to professorships
Webpage of the Equal opportunity representative of the Faculty of Business Administration
Faculty of Education
Zur Förderung der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie können Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter:innen, Promovierende (Personen, die von der Fakultät zur Promotion zugelassen sind) und (Junior-)Professor:innen mit Kindern (bis zu 14 Jahren) oder Pflegeaufgaben folgende Mittel aus dem Gleichstellungsförderfonds beantragen:
Finanzielle Unterstützung für Kinderbetreuung: Details zur Antragstellung siehe Merkblätter A
Finanzierung studentischer und wissenschaftlicher Hilfskräfte: Details zur Antragstellung siehe Merkblätter B
In line with the measures for promoting a family-friendly university, the Faculty ensures that work hours and meetings are scheduled to accommodate family life.
Website of the Equal Opportunity Representative in the Faculty of Education
Faculty of Humanities
- Student assistant (SHK, 16 hrs/monthly)
Webpage of the Equal Opportunity Representative in the Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences
- Research and travel grants for young researchers; exchange and cooperation
- Financial support for childcare in non-peaktimes (PDF) and for special professional obligations.
- Financial support for infrastructural equal opportunity measures (StruMaG) (PDF) ; funding can be applied for
- Offers of support for further qualification and networking available to women active in the MIN disciplines en route to an academic career.
- Parent-Child-Room (Campus Stellingen Informatikum, Building C, Room 120, Vogt-Köln-Straße 30)
Webpage of the MIN Equal Opportunity Representative
Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement Science
- Financial support for emergency childcare, where supervision cannot be arranged at short notice at the usual childcare center or school. Support is available for both research associates and students.
- Funding for student assistants to help research associates who have family obligations (such as caring for relatives) for up to 90 hours per year.
- Funding for female master and doctoral students as well as female research associates to enable participation in conferences, symposia, and workshops.
- Financial support for research and teaching on gender and diversity (e.g., guest lectures and research projects).
- Parent-Child-Room (Room E005, Mollerstraße 10)
For further information please see the Faculty’s equal opportunities website (in German only).
Faculty of Law
- Special lending conditions in the library
- Contribution of up to €300 per semester toward additional childcare costs
- Doctoral scholarships and a doctoral award for completed dissertations in the field of legal gender studies
- Female research associates receive up to €300 annually as travel subsidy if they actively take part in a conference (e.g., if they give a talk)
- Support for activities in the field of gender and equal opportunity-related research and teaching
Website of the Equal Opportunity Representative in the Faculty of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
- Um die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie zu fördern, erhalten wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende mit familiären Care-Aufgaben (im Haushalt lebende Kinder bis 10 Jahren oder zu pflegende Angehörige) Unterstützung durch studentische Angestellte: bis zu 5 Std./Woche für max. 6 Monate.
- Um wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen in der Postdoc-Phase zu fördern, bietet das Gleichstellungsbüro der Fakultät finanzielle Unterstützung für die aktive Teilnahme an Konferenzen, Tagungen und Workshops.
- Das Gleichstellungsbüro der Fakultät unterstützt spezifische Maßnahmen sowohl inhaltlich als auch finanziell wie beispielsweise:
- Maßnahmen zur Gewährleistung von Barrierefreiheit
- Kinderbetreuung, um die aktive Teilnahme von Wissenschaftler:innen an Konferenzen/Workshops etc. an der Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften zu erleichtern
- Unterstützung von Veranstaltungen oder Lehrformaten an der Fakultät, die Gender & Diversity beinhalten, beispielsweise für Honorare von Referierenden
- Weitere von Ihnen vorgeschlagene Maßnahmen, die die Themen Inklusion, Gender & Diversity betreffen
- Gastwissenschaftler:innen wird die Teilnahme an Tagungen, Konferenzen etc. ermöglicht, indem Kinderbetreuung während der Veranstaltung gefördert wird (die Bewilligung erfolgt vorbehaltlich vorhandener Gleichstellungsmittel).
Weitere Informationen und Kontaktadressen finden Sie auf den Webseiten der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten.
Webpage of the Equal opportunity representative .
PIASTA program for doctoral students
The PIASTA Program fosters internationalization at Universität Hamburg, intercultural exchange, and cooperative learning with the aim of enabling all students to pursue an active, internationally-oriented, and successful course of studies. It goes without saying that the various activities, workshops, and excursions are open to all students at Universität Hamburg, both home and international students.
Further information and contact: PIASTA-Webpage
Cluster of Excellence CLICCS
- Parent-child room (Grindelberg 7, Room 1007)
- Student assistant support for researchers with family obligations (5 hrs/week for six months)
- (Financial) support for childcare emergencies and/or in extenuating circumstances
- KidsBoxes (Grindelberg 5, Grindelberg 7 and Bundesstraße 53)
- Workshops on reconciling family and career
Cluster of Excellence CUI - Advanced Imaging of Matter and QU: Quantum Universe
- The parent-child offices at the Bahrenfeld campus is located in Building 67,
Room 004 and in Building 610 (HARBOR), Room 2026- We assist with the organization and financing of internal cluster activities and external events.
- We also provide financial and organizational support for emergency child care in emergency situations.
- We offer various opportunities to discuss and attend events about balancing study or work with family life.
More information about the parent-child office
Diversity at CUI