Deferred admission
Upon application, you can defer admission or an offer of admission if you have completed one of the following:
- voluntary service (e.g., Bundesfreiwilligendienst—federal volunteers service , a voluntary social year (freiwilliges soziales Jahr), or a voluntary ecological year (freiwilliges ökologisches Jahr))
- civilian / military service, Federal Armed Forces, Federal Border Guards (up to 3 years)
- development aid work (at least 2 years)
- childcare or nursing care for other relative under age 18 (up to 3 years)
You must apply to defer admission directly on
Conditions for deferred admission:
- After your period of service ends, you can defer admission for a maximum of 2 university place allocation procedures for which your chosen degree program is offered.
- If you do not complete one of the above services, you are not eligible for deferred admission.
- If you choose to defer admission, you will need to provide proof of the service completed in addition to the notification of deferral.
- To assert your claim, submit your complete application by the respective deadline.
Notifications of deferral will be sent to your account on—you will be notified of this via email.
For more details, see the information on preferential admission.
Starting in coordination phase, issues notifications of deferral twice a week.
Applying on with a notification of deferral
If you received notification of deferral or an acceptance letter from Universität Hamburg for a previous application via for your chosen degree program at Universität Hamburg, you can also apply for preferential admission when you apply online. This is only possible if you reapply for the same degree program. Submit your special application electronically and upload a copy of the notification of deferral or acceptance letter and uncertified proof of the service provided or parental in the special application.
You should also check the information on preferential admission.
Note: See the FAQ for answers to common questions.