Step 3 — coordination phase (16 January - 24 February)
1. Prioritizing applications
The coordinated succession rules (see 4.) mean that once you are offered admission or are admitted to a degree program, applications with a lower priority are withdrawn from the application procedure. Therefore, we recommend you prioritize your applications according to your study preferences. You can still change your priorities during the coordination phase, but not for applications that have already been withdrawn from the procedure.
2. Ranking lists
During the coordination phase, the universities prepare ranking lists. Universität Hamburg generally transfers its ranking lists to in the last week of january. As soon as the ranking lists have been transferred to, you can view your position in the ranking list for the individual degree programs you have applied to on
3. Coordination phase (16 January - 24 February)
If your position in the rankings is above the cut-off ranking, you will automatically receive an admission offer on
Note: The coordination phase begins on January 16, but you will only receive an admission offer once the university has transferred the ranking list for your chosen degree program. As Universität Hamburg transfers its ranking lists for the DoSV programs at the end of January, admission offers for applications to Universität Hamburg are only possible after this time.
4. Coordinated succession rules
Once the ranking lists have been published, you can receive and accept admission offers at any time during the coordination phase. The 3 coordinated succession rules apply.
- Applications that have been withdrawn by you or as part of the coordination process do not count as active applications.
- The coordinated succession rules apply for all applications submitted via the DoSV portal on, regardless of which university you apply to.
- The coordinated succession rules are only valid from 23 January 00:00.
Coordinated succession rule 1
If you only have 1 active application and receive an admission offer for this, you will be admitted and an acceptance letter will be issued.
- You only have 1 active application.
- You are eligible for admission to this degree program (i.e., you are ranked high enough).
- You will automatically be admitted to the degree program.
Example: You only apply to Universität Hamburg for the DoSV degree in psychology (BSc) and receive an admission offer for this application. This admission offer will therefore automatically be accepted.
Coordinated succession rule 2
If you apply to several degree programs and receive an admission offer for them all, you will be admitted to the degree program with the highest priority.
- You have several active applications.
- You have received admission offers for all of your applications.
- You will be admitted to the degree program with the highest priority.
Explanation: If you apply to 2 or more degree programs and receive an admission offer for all of them, you will be admitted to the degree program with the highest priority (Priority 1). You will receive an acceptance letter for this application.
Coordinated succession rule 3
If you apply to several degree programs and receive an admission offer for 2 or more—but not all—of them, you will be admitted to the degree program with the highest priority.
- You have several active applications.
- You have an admission offer for more than 1 application.
- You do not have an admission offer for at least 1 application.
- Any applications with a lower priority are excluded from the application procedure.
5. End of coordination phase (24 February)
During the coordination phase, the last admission offers will be issued on 22 February.
If no admission has been granted by then, the following situations can arise:
- An admission offer for the application with the highest priority could be determined. You will be admitted to this degree program.
- Only one admission offer could be identified for a lower priority application. You will receive admission for this degree program and a rejection for the application with the highest priority.
- No admission offer could be determined. You will receive a rejection for the application with the highest priority.
Admission notices resulting from the end of the coordination phase on 23 February will be made available in STiNE. The rejection notice will be made available by Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung on 25 February.
Admission offers
If your position in the rankings is above the cut-off ranking, you will automatically receive an admission offer on If you receive an admission offer, you have several options:
A) Accept the admission offer:
When you actively accept an offer, your other applications and admission offers will be withdrawn. This frees up these places for other applicants.
If you receive an admission offer to your preferred university, we recommend you actively accept it immediately.
B) Wait for further admission offers:
Note: You can receive admission offers at any time during the coordination phase. Therefore, we recommend you check your account on regularly (at least twice a week).
“Zulassungsangebot aktuell nicht möglich” (Offer currently not possible)
This status means that the University cannot offer you a place at present. Hence you have not received an admission offer for this application yet.
Important note: This is a temporary status during the coordination phase and not a final rejection!
The next step ...
If you actively accept an offer or are admitted automatically, proceed to Step 4: Notifications.
Note: See the FAQ for answers to common questions.