Complaints offices for exam matters
The Hamburg higher education act (Hamburgisches Hochschulgesetz, HmbHG) and the Universität Hamburg Statutes require that every faculty provide students with a complaints office for exam matters. Generally, a member of teaching staff or a student representative is available to act as ombudsperson.
Complaints offices mediate and seek solutions to conflicts arising with regard to examination matters.
This gives you, the student, a neutral point of contact in cases of exam-related conflicts.
Of course, you may still submit a formal appeal to the examination board. These complaints offices are not authorized to make decisions. This remains the sole responsibility of the reconsideration proceeding.
Contact faculty complaints offices at the links below:
Faculty of Law:
Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences:
Faculty of Medicine:
Faculty of Education:
Faculty of Humanities:
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences:
Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement Science:
Faculty of Business Administration (Hamburg Business School):
Should any of the above information no longer be accurate, please contact Section 31: Quality Management and Legal Affairs.