March 2025
Klarheit und Souveränität in beruflicher Kommunikation - Gewaltfreie Kommunikation (Einführung)
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Claudia Wunram / Max. participants: 16
This workshop takes place in German.
In this workshop, you will learn how to adapt to different communication situations in the workplace using the approach of Nonviolent Communication. How can I advocate for my concerns while simultaneously working...
Mitarbeitende diversitätsgerecht und gesund führen
Target Group: leaders / Language: German / Trainer: Stab G, BGZ und Franziska Nitsche / Max. participants: 16
Die Vielfalt der Mitarbeitenden an der UHH stellt Führungskräfte vor Herausforderungen. In diesem zweitägigen Modul lernen Sie chancengerechte Personalentscheidungen zu treffen und das Entwicklungspotenzial aller Mitarbeitenden zu unterstützen. Neben theoretischen Inputs und Raum zur...
SharePoint: Kollaboratives Dokumentenmanagement
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Frauke Nesemann / Max. participants: 100
The workshop is in German.
In this impulse, you will learn how to effectively set up and use the “Documents” app to upload documents and edit them together in real time. You will also learn how to set up document libraries, connect them to your...
Das Kompetenzprofil als Fundament erfolgreicher Bewerbungen
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
Der Denkanstoß zeigt auf, wie wichtig es für erfolgreiche (interne oder externe) Bewerbungen ist, die eigenen Kernkompetenzen und Interessen zu kennen und prägnant benennen zu können.
Dieser Kurs ist anrechenbar für „Learn to Lead – Führen mit Haltung“.
Guided walk through the application management software BITE
This event takes place in German.
April 2025
SharePoint: Kollaboratives Aufgabenmanagement mit der App „Aufgaben“
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Frauke Nesemann / Max. participants: 100
The workshop is in German.
In this impulse, you will learn how to set up and use the task app effectively, including customizing default views and configuring the notification function.
The workshop counts as credit for the programs “Learn to Lead...
Applying Successfully for Jobs in Academia
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: English / Trainer: Dr. Dieta Kuchenbrandt / Max. Participants: 12
The rules and requirements for job applications in academia are different from those in other fields. How should application documents look like? Which key skills acquired during dissertation or early postdoc years should be highlighted?
Aktive Jobsuche: recherchieren - vernetzen - sichtbar werden
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
Die Veranstaltung zeigt, wie Sie das enorme Potential des versteckten Stellenmarktes mit mutigem Netzwerken und erhöhter Sichtbarkeit anzapfen können. Sie erhalten Anregungen und Tipps!
Brown Bag Meeting: Onboarding
We would like to warmly invite you to our next Brown Bag Meeting on the topic of onboarding! In an informal setting, our recruitment team will provide an overview of the current state of onboarding and share some new ideas that are being discussed.
Afterwards, we’d love to hear your experiences: What is working well, and where do you see challenges? Of course, there will also be time for any...
Moderations-1x1 für selbstorganisierte Teams
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Frauke Nesemann / Max. participants: 100
The workshop is in German.
In this impulse you will learn how to design mobile-compatible website pages with web parts in SharePoint.
The workshop counts as credit for the programs “Learn to Lead” and “Certificate Research Management”.
Die Governance des deutschen Wissenschaftssystems
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Jan-Martin Wiarda / Max. Participants: 20
Das Vortragsseminar soll einen Überblick über das komplexe Rollengefüge in der deutschen Wissenschaftslandschaft vermitteln und den Teilnehmenden ermöglichen, diese zu reflektieren.
Dieser Kurs ist anrechenbar für „Learn to Lead – Führen mit Haltung“ sowie für das Zertifikat „...
Wie schreibe ich eine gelungene Bewerbung?
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
Von A wie Anschreiben bis Z wie Zielgehalt – die schriftliche Bewerbung. Wie kuratieren Sie Ihren Lebenslauf und wie knüpfen Sie mit Ihren Kompetenzen an der Stellenausschreibung an?
Changing Course: Insights on Transitioning Away From Academia
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: English / Trainer: Vicent Botella-Soler / Max. Participants: 100
In this talk, we will introduce some helpful strategies in transitioning away from academia and dispel some common misconceptions and biases. Among other things: The primacy of soft over hard skills.
This course can be credited to "Learn to Lead - Mindset Leadership".
...Feedback geben im Team
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Friederike Holm/ Max. participants: 10
Feedback is an effective tool for successful communication in teams, providing clarity and shaping change processes. In this workshop, you will learn how to give constructive feedback and develop important skills for respectfully addressing sensitive...
SharePoint: Kollaborative Kalender
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Frauke Nesemann / Max. participants: 100
The workshop is in German.
In this impulse you will learn how to set up the calendar app, connect it to MS Outlook and design calendar list views as well as how to use the integration with MS Access and Excel export.
The workshop counts as credit...
Überblick Power BI: Explore the Data
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Anna Berndt / Max. participants: 25
The workshop is in German.
In this collegial session, you will gain fundamental insights and explore the features of the Power BI tool.
The workshop counts as credit for the programs “Learn to Lead” and “Certificate Research Management”.
Typische Fragen im Job-Interview (außerhalb der Wissenschaft)
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
In dieser Veranstaltung dreht sich alles um das Job-Interview. Von Fragetechniken über die Vorbereitung bis hin zur inneren Haltung. Nach dem Input bleibt auch noch Zeit für Ihre Fragen.
Online-Moderation für Fortgeschrittene
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Matthias Otto / Max. participants: 15
This workshop is in German.
In this workshop, you will learn how to confidently moderate complex topics online, promote decisions, and use creative methods and digital tools for collaboration. Additionally, the workshop will address how to deal with...
Motivierende Gesprächsführung: Veränderung gut kommunizieren
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Paul Endrejat / Max. participants: 12
This workshop is in German.
In this workshop, you will acquire essential skills to effectively communicate changes in the workplace and engage colleagues in new developments. The content includes techniques of motivational interviewing, managing...
Berufsfeld Wissenschaftsmanagement
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: German / Trainer: Oliver Grewe / Max. Participants: 100
In diesem Denkanstoß erhalten Sie antworten auf diese Fragen und bekommen so einen ersten Überblick über das Berufsfeld „Wissenschaftsmanagement“. Im Anschluss an den Vortrag gibt es die Möglichkeit Fragen zu stellen. Ebenso wird das Zertifikat „Wissenschaftsmanagement...
Projektmanagement im Hochschulalltag – Tools und Techniken
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Nils Reschke / Max. Participants: 14
In diesem Workshop werden relevante Techniken des Projektmanagements mit Blick auf die spezifischen Anforderungen von Forschenden und Beschäftigten im Wissenschaftsmanagement im Überblick vermittelt und anhand eines praxisnahen Szenarios eingeübt.
Dieser Kurs ist anrechenbar für „Learn to Lead –...
Guided walk through the application management software BITE
This event takes place in German.
Praxismodule Power BI
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Anna Berndt / Max. Participants: 15
The workshop is in German.
In three modules, you will gain a overview of the application of Power BI, starting with fundamental aspects of data analysis and visualization. Through hands-on exercises and collaborative projects, you will deepen your knowledge and learn how to present data...
May 2025
Konstruktive Zusammenarbeit in vielfältigen Teams - ein Anti-Bias-Workshop
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Samya Korff / Max. participants: 15
The workshop is in German.
To work effectively in diverse teams and with different target groups, it's worthwhile to recognize your own biases and patterns in relation to others. Through anti-bias exercises and psychological insights, you will develop a...
Moderations-1x1 für selbstorganisierte Teams
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Friederike Holm / Max. participants: 14
The workshop is in German.
Constructive meetings require good moderation to ensure time management and goal-oriented discussions. In this workshop, you will learn the basics of moderation, questioning techniques to understand group processes, and...
SharePoint: Kollaborative Kontaktliste
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Frauke Nesemann / Max. participants: 100
The workshop is in German.
In this impulse you will learn how to use the contact app to edit contacts and call notes, how to connect the app with MS Outlook, how to design individual contact forms with Nintex and how to use the integration with MS...
Die Sprache der Wirtschaft – Wissenschaftskompetenzen in Bewerbungen darstellen
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: German / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 14
In diesem Workshop lernen Sie, was das eigene Profil für Arbeitgebende außerhalb der Hochschule attraktiv macht und wie Fähigkeiten überzeugend dargestellt werden.
Klarheit und Souveränität in beruflicher Kommunikation - Gewaltfreie Kommunikation (Übungsrunden)
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Claudia Wunram / Max. participants: 10
The workshop is in German.
In this workshop, you will learn how to adapt to different communication situations in the workplace using the approach of Nonviolent Communication. How can I advocate for my concerns while simultaneously working...
Mental Clarity & Decision Making
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: English / Trainer: Vicent Botella-Soler / Max. Participants: 20
In this workshop, we look into the factors that impact on how we think and make decisions. Learn to question how your mindset can help or hinder your day-to-day life and your future career prospects.
This course can be credited to "Learn to Lead - Mindset Leadership" as...
Grundlagen der Beratung
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Tanja Schwichtenberg / Max. participants: 14
This event takes place in German.
In this workshop, you can expand your counselling skills. You will learn about different counselling approaches and explore your role as a counsellor as well as communication strategies. The workshop takes...
Erstes Vorsingen? – Bewerben auf Professuren
Target Group: Postdoctoral Researchers, Junior Professors and Leaders of Junior Research Groups / Language: German / Trainer: Dr. Dieta Kuchenbrandt / Max. Participants: 12
Ziel des Webcast ist es, Sie über alle Phasen des Berufungsverfahrens detailliert zu informieren und Ihnen konkrete Hilfestellungen und Tipps für Ihre Bewerbungen zu vermitteln.
SharePoint: Kollaborative Datenerfassung mit Listen
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Frauke Nesemann / Max. participants: 100
The workshop is in German.
In this impulse, you will learn how to use the list app to easily edit and expand lists. You will also learn how to activate notification functions, design individual list views and forms with Nintex, perform calculations...
Hybride Zusammenarbeit gestalten
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Matthias Otto / Max. participants: 15
This workshop is in German.
In this workshop, you will learn how to effectively moderate in a hybrid setting by testing technical equipment and several pedagogical approaches. Practical exercises in two on-site rooms will help you master the...
Guided walk through the application management software BITE
This event takes place in German.
June 2025
Ziele erreichen: Den inneren Kritiker zur Mentorin machen
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Friederike Holm / Max. participants: 14
The workshop is in German.
Personal growth requires an understanding of our own goals, values, and strengths. It also involves dealing with inner barriers and uncertainties to create clarity and shape our own objectives.
The workshop counts as...
Career & Parenthood – Managing the Mental Load
Target Group: Doctoral researchers, Postdocs, Junior Professors and Leaders of Junior Research Groups / Language: English / Trainer: Desiree Dickerson / Max. Participants: 100
How do we thrive at work whilst navigating the worry and guilt of managing a family at home? An online talk with Dr. Desiree Dickerson for PhDs and PDs with family commitments.
This course can be credited to "Learn to Lead...
Erstes Vorsingen? – Bewerben auf Professuren
Target Group: Doctoral researchers, Postdocs, Junior Professors and Leaders of Junior Research Groups / Language: English / Trainer: Desiree Dickerson / Max. Participants: 8
How do we thrive at work whilst navigating the worry and guilt of managing a family at home? An online seminar with Dr. Desiree Dickerson for PhDs and PDs with family commitments.
This course can be credited to "Learn to...
SharePoint: Kollaborative Projektarbeit
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Frauke Nesemann / Max. participants: 100
The workshop is in German.
In this impulse, you will learn how to use the different views of the project plan. You will also gain insights into editing the project plan with MS Project Professional and learn about the advantages and limitations of...
Argumentationstraining bei Antifeminismus
Target Group: All employees of UHH/ Language: German / Trainer: Míša Jašová & Melani Klaric / Max. participants: 16
The workshop is in German.
In this workshop, you can strengthen your argumentative skills in the face of antifeminism and discriminatory statements. The focus will be on developing strategies for handling challenging situations and making your own stance visible.
The Competency Profile as the Basis for Successful Applications
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: English / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
The talk shows how important it is for successful (internal or external) applications to know your own core competencies and interests and to be able to specify them precisely.
This course can be credited to "Learn to Lead - Mindset Leadership".
Projektmanagement im Hochschulalltag – Führung und der „Faktor Mensch“
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Nils Reschke / Max. Participants: 10
Dieser Workshop stellt den „Faktor Mensch“ in der Projektarbeit in den Mittelpunkt. Denn Studien zufolge hängt der Erfolg von Hochschulprojekten nur zu einem Drittel von Techniken und Tools ab, zu zwei Dritteln hingegen vom Verhalten der Projektbeteiligten.
Dieser Kurs ist anrechenbar für „Learn...
SharePoint: Wissensmanagement über SharePoint Websiteseiten
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Frauke Nesemann / Max. participants: 100
The workshop is in German.
In this impulse, you will learn the basic principles for using a wiki effectively. You will also learn how to tag pages appropriately, activate the notification function and implement the steps for successfully...
Active Job Search: Researching – Networking – Visibility
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: English / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
This talk shows how bold networking and increasing your visibility can help you tap into the enormous potential of the so-called hidden job market.
Bin ich auf dem richtigen Weg? Individuelle Karriereplanung
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: German / Trainer: Joanna Bouchi-Häfner / Max. Participants: 8
In diesem Workshop erarbeiten Sie Ihre persönlichen Stärken und die damit einhergehenden beruflichen Perspektiven. Allein und in Kleingruppen erarbeiten Sie sich Ihre Karriereplanung.
Dieser Kurs ist anrechenbar für „Learn to Lead – Führen mit Haltung“.
How to write Successful Applications
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: English / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
How can you communicate your skills, qualifications and professional experience in your application documents in such a way that the recipients find your profile convincing? This introductory talk introduces different aspects of successful applications such as thorough preparation, becoming the...
Career Choices – Craft your Career According to Your Strengths and Values
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: English / Trainer: Kerstin Mauth / Max. Participants: 14
This transformative workshop is designed to help you navigate the exciting yet challenging transition from academia to your next career phase. Whether you're considering academia, industry, the public sector, or entrepreneurship, this workshop will guide you in aligning your...
July 2025
Klarheit und Souveränität in beruflicher Kommunikation - Gewaltfreie Kommunikation (Einführung)
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Claudia Wunram / Max. participants: 16
This workshop takes place in German.
In this workshop, you will learn how to adapt to different communication situations in the workplace using the approach of Nonviolent Communication. How can I advocate for my concerns while simultaneously working...
Common Job Interview Questions (Outside Academia)
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: English / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
This talk is all about typical job interview questions (and possible answers). From interviewing techniques to preparation and your personal mindset.
September 2025
Projektmanagement im Hochschulalltag – Tools und Techniken
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Nils Reschke / Max. Participants: 14
In diesem Workshop werden relevante Techniken des Projektmanagements mit Blick auf die spezifischen Anforderungen von Forschenden und Beschäftigten im Wissenschaftsmanagement im Überblick vermittelt und anhand eines praxisnahen Szenarios eingeübt.
Dieser Kurs ist anrechenbar für „Learn to Lead –...
First Audition? How to Apply for Professorships
Target Group: Postdoctoral Researchers, Junior Professors and Leaders of Junior Research Groups / Language: German / Trainer: Dr. Dieta Kuchenbrandt / Max. Participants: 12
The aim of the webcast is to provide participants with detailed information about all phases of the appointment procedure for professorships (focus Germany), and to give them concrete advice and tips for their applications...
The Governance of the German Academic System
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Jan-Martin Wiarda / Max. Participants: 100
The seminar aims to provide an overview of the complex structure of the German academic landscape and enable participants to reflect on this. In this context, we will examine the requirements and tasks of university management, faculties and administration.
This workshop can be credited to...
Digitales Termin und Aufgabenmanagement mit Kanban
Target Group: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Matthias Otto / Max. participants: 15
The workshop is in German.
Sometimes, it can be challenging to keep track of tasks, especially in complex workflows. In this workshop, you will learn about the Kanban method to organize both one-time and recurring processes flexibly and transparently...
Applying Successfully for Jobs in Academia
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: English / Trainer: Dr. Dieta Kuchenbrandt / Max. Participants: 12
The rules and requirements for job applications in academia are different from those in other fields. How should application documents look like? Which key skills acquired during dissertation or early postdoc years should be highlighted?