Funding from the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK)Sustainability at Universities Audit: University of Hamburg Chosen for Pilot Phase
9 September 2024, by Newsroom editorial office

Photo: Universität Hamburg / Esfandiari
The Sustainability at Universities Audit conducted by the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) systematically supports the ongoing development of university sustainability strategies, goals, and activities. The University of Hamburg, the University of Technology in Chemnitz, the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts, and Philipps-Universität Hamburg have been chosen for the pilot phase.
The audit takes a holistic institutional approach and focuses on specific profiles, transformation paths, and structural and regional peculiarities at individual universities to ensure customized, independent, and voluntary consultation. The universities chosen for the pilot phase will be monitored for a year, starting in Fall 2024, as they continue to develop their sustainability strategies and activities.
More than 60 HRK member universities applied to take part in the audit. Findings gained in the pilot phase will be incorporated into the further development of the audit. Starting in 2026, consultation opportunities will gradually be made available to all HRK member universities.
The Sustainability at Universities Audit is being developed as part of an HRK project on transformation pathways for sustainable universities (traNHSform). The project is being funded until March 2026 by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of an initiative for sustainability in academia.