TTT: Exchange program for shaping and researching teacher trainingDoes experience abroad help you become a better teacher?Doing the Research series
29 June 2022, by Bente Gießelmann / Newsroom

Photo: Universität Hamburg / Scholz
Why should future teachers go abroad during their studies if they are going to teach at a German school afterwards? The Faculty of Education’s Tricontinental Teacher Training project answers these questions and explores other benefits. Our series Doing the Research introduces research projects at Universität Hamburg.
In the Tricontinental Teacher Training (TTT) project, Hamburg-based students visit partner universities either in Ghana or the United States for several weeks. Afterwards, students from those 2 countries come to Hamburg. Throughout the program’s 9-month duration, participants also visit reflection seminars, engage in virtual and in-person exchange, and gain both academic and school-based experience during their period abroad.
But what do these trainee teachers learn that will help them professionally? The TTT project creates a structure in which teachers can engage with the sense of uncertainty in other languages and cultural spaces, with prejudice and different views, and with ideals and shared notions of being. The exchange program aims to stimulate educational moments and professionalization processes that are not possible in seminars.
In this video (in English with German subtitles), we show how the TTT project works and how the research team from the 3 participating countries works together.
A video portrait of the TTT project
The TTT project
The following Universität Hamburg members are involved in the TTT project: Prof. Dr. Telse Iwers, Prof. Dr. Andreas Bonnet, Myriam Hummel, Anja Wilken, Merve Yilmaz, Lisa Förster, Hélène Gaudet, and Cordelia von Dombois. Find further information about TTT on the project website.
Doing the Research
There are approximately 6,200 academics conducting research at 8 faculties at Universität Hamburg. Many students also often apply their newly acquired knowledge to research practice while still completing their studies. The Doing the Research series outlines the broad and diverse range of the research landscape and provides a more detailed introduction of individual projects. Feel free to send any questions and suggestions to the Newsroom editorial office(newsroom"AT"